Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Previously: "I'd forgotten what it was like to have so many true friends ever since I started being a stripper. I'd forgotten what it was like to have real fun and to just be my true self in front of others. But then you guys just came along and made me put down my guard... I don't want to lose you guys. I don't want to lose Nate. Please James, don't tell them yet. I'll tell them about this, but I have to do it myself..." I was almost ready to get down on my knees and beg him not to tell them. James' expression was unreadable again. He simply nodded his head at me and turned to walk away quietly.


I knew something was wrong the moment I stepped into school.

Goosebumps rose all over my arms, and the tiny hairs at the nape of my neck stood up even though there was barely any wind. I glanced around to see most people who had previously been milling around the school gates stop to stare at me, some casting sideways glances at me. And instead of pretending to continue what they were doing like people usually did once they were caught staring, they simply held their gazes.

Was I just being paranoid?

No, I didn't think so.

I discreetly pinched my arm.

Nope, this wasn't a nightmare.

I stared back at them, swallowing my fear. I wasn't going to be all scared and intimidated just because people were looking at me funny. Their expressions were hostile as they glared at me, watching as I walked as confidently as I could to the school's main doors. I couldn't help but feel my stomach twist as people flinched away when I got closer to them. Their lips were curved downwards into ugly sneers, not bothering to hide the disgust in their eyes. In fact, they probably wanted me to see it.

Ignore them, ignore them, I chanted in my head. Maybe I was being wayyyyy paranoid just because James found out about my secret. He wouldn't tell the entire school about me being a stripper right? I mean, I didn't know if he thought of me as a friend, but I thought we had our moments.

I might be trying to hold my head as high as I could, but I was scared. Really scared. I accidentally tripped on one of the steps to the school door, and loud snickering sounded all around me. I felt the warning sting in my eyes, but blinked rapidly to keep the tears away. I wouldn't show my tears to these people.

I went through the school doors and made my way to the lockers. It was obvious something was very, very wrong now, as everyone parted in the hallways as I walked through. Sure, it could make a person feel grand, like they usually did to the popular people or when a prince arrives in fairy tales, but it was different.

They parted as if they didn't want to touch me. I accidentally brushed against a curly-haired girl and she flinched as if I had burned her.


If this was going to continue for the entire day, I was going to go mental. I might as well turn and march straight to the asylum myself. I'll probably need therapy for this trauma.

And the whispers weren't exactly helping, either.

I froze.

There was my locker, painfully obvious like a beam of light in the darkness.

There was graffiti drawn all over it, egged and splashed with paint. The people started laughing. Some guy shouted, "Slut!" And it was as if someone had flicked a switch.



"Dirty bitch!"

"How much does it cost for a blowjob?"

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