Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 (Pic of Nate at the side!)


Previously: He wrapped his coat around my shaking shoulders, ignoring the stench emanating from the ground. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me closer to his body. Was it Brad? Honestly, I owed him too much. But then the guy pulled me against his hard, warm chest, and I immediately knew that it wasn't Brad. It was Nate. Nate rocked me slightly, back and forth, back and forth, his masculine voice soothing. He murmured softly into my hair, brushing strands away from my tear-stained face. The only words that I managed to catch was, "I'm sorry."


I pulled myself together. Nate had returned, I realized. Had he forgiven me? I felt too numb to even think straight. I'd been bawling my eyes out for the past half an hour. I sniffed hard and ungracefully, my nose running. God, why did I have to look so disgusting just when he came back? I was pretty sure I had bits of vomit at the corners of my mouth too.

"We... We should..." My voice was clogged up.

"Find somewhere else?" Nate raised his eyebrows.

I flushed, and nodded. I used the sleeve of my jacket to wipe my wet face, but Nate's hand suddenly grabbed onto my arm, stopping me. I looked at him questioningly, but he simply smiled and raised his other hand. Staring into my eyes, he used a thumb to wipe the tear streaks away from my cheeks. I remembered him doing that to me after he had confessed to me, the same tender action with the same tender look in his eyes.

My heart skipped a beat.

Nate could take forever to wipe my cheeks. My entire face was wet with tears and, I had to admit, mucus.

I sniffled again loudly, and the corners of Nate's lips twitched up. My cheeks burned as I smiled in embarrassment. His hands dropped from my face and arm, as he patted his jeans pockets before fishing out a handkerchief.

"Here," he passed it to me.

A handkerchief?

"Hey! You're thinking that it's girly, aren't you?"

I couldn't help but smile. Bull's eye. "Not really, just... Unexpected." I shrugged, and lifted the handkerchief to my nose to blow loudly.

I watched as Nate's eyes widened in horror. I let out a little nasal laugh.

"You better wash it," he muttered, as I blew again.

"Come on, lets go find somewhere else." He slipped his large hand into mine, instantly making my heart start beating faster.

"What about coming to my house?" I paused. "I have to... Explain some things to you."

Nate clearly understood what I meant as his face darkened slightly. He nodded silently and allowed me to lead the way. I sneaked glances at him but his face was hard to read.

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