Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 (Pic of Abigail)

Previously: The corner of my lips curved upwards, but I felt hollow inside. "I understand why she did it," I sighed, "but I doubt that I'll forgive her any time soon." "What about me?" Nate asked, suddenly solemn. I grinned. "Unless I'm insane, I'm definitely forgiving you. I can't believe YOU've forgiven me." I turned and unlocked the door before opening it. "Come on in, it's my turn to tell you everything now."


I looked up to meet Nate's steady gaze as he gently placed his warm large hand over mine. I took a deep breath. He needed to know.

I wasn't sure where to start. I told him all that I'd told Brad and Ashley previously, as I watched his face slowly darken and his grip on my hand tighten. There were times where he'd run a hand through his blonde hair, but his hand never left mine. He listened intently, never interrupting anything I said. I wondered what he was thinking inside. When I'd come to the part about the customer we met at the park, he clenched his fist tightly by his side. I knew he was fighting hard to control his anger.

"Are you... Angry with me?" I paused as Nate closed his eyes momentarily. He shook his head and his expression seemed to soften.

"I'm angry with myself. I was never there whenever you needed me. I'm so sorry," Nate looked downcast as he mindlessly ran his thumb over the back of my hand.

"You've nothing to be sorry for. I let you down." I tilted his chin upwards and stared into his mesmerising green eyes as I ran my finger over his furrowed eyebrows. Then I dropped my hand and fiddled with my fingers nervously as I asked, "Are you disgusted by me? You can tell me honestly. I know... I know it's hard to take."

Nate paused, and grabbed my hand again, almost crushing my crossed fingers. "I'm not perfect," he finally said, exhaling. "I'm not mad at you, but I'm still uncomfortable at the thought of you being a stripper, sleeping with older men. But," he quickly continued, "I've forgiven you. It'll just take a longer time to... Get over this. I'm sorry."

I smiled and nodded at him. Even though it pained me to hear that, I was way more than glad that he understood and forgave me. "As I've said, you've nothing to be sorry for."

"Is there anything else?"

I'd told him most of my past, about my night job, and now... There was only mom left.

"Before you came just now, the hospital called. They said... They said that mom had passed away..." My voice broke into a whisper as images of mom filled my mind once again, no matter how hard I'd tried to keep them away.

I felt my eyes fill with tears, as well as a sour taste at the back of my throat. The pain returned almost instantly, raw and fresh. The tears flowed freely, no matter how hard I tried to hold them back. I guess I was tired. Tired of hiding from my feelings. Within seconds, I'd become a weeping mess once again.

I noticed Nate had a pained look in his eyes, as if he was remembering something, maybe his own mom. Then his striking eyes snapped back towards me. Nate got out from his chair and pulled me into a warm embrace. He hugged me tightly, as if I was the only person he had left in this world. And I hugged him back with an equal amount of strength, because maybe he really was all I had left. He stroked my back as I leaned onto him for support and sobbed into his chest, staining his shirt with tears. He was probably going to kill me after.

"Don't cry," Nate caressed my cheek, wiping away stray tears, "I know what it feels like to lose your mom. And I'm not going to let you go through this alone. This time, I'll be here for you, no matter what. We'll get through this, together." He planted a kiss on my forehead as I buried my face into his shoulder blade.

He pulled me down onto his lap as I leaned back into his chest, still sobbing. He rested his head on top of mine as he interlocked his hand with mine. I guess the lull of his heartbeat had a soothing effect, as my eyelids became heavier and I soon fell into dreamland. 


I woke up in bed to the smell of pasta and a pounding headache. Glancing at my alarm clock, I realised I'd actually been sleeping for more than 2 hours. I felt like a pig. I got out of bed and walked towards the kitchen. Nate was talking on the phone, as he steadied the plate with pasta on it with one hand.

"Yes... I'll make sure that you'll have enough funds for the whole of the school year..."

I walked over and wrapped my hands around his waist as Nate hung up the phone quickly and turned towards me.

"Who was that?"

"Oh that was nothing. You fell asleep, and I didn't want to wake you so I went to get dinner. I wanted to make you think that I cooked it, but I actually bought it." he said sheepishly. "You can just wait outside while I set the table." Nate busied himself with the plates and cutlery as I went to tidy myself up. How did I get so lucky with Nate?

As soon as Nate placed the food on the table, I couldn't help but feel my stomach growl. It smelt so good. I tucked in hungrily, before noticing Nate was looking on with a hesitant expression on his face.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows at him. He shrugged, though I could tell he had something he wanted to ask me.

"So," Nate rested his elbows on the table, not touching his food. "Brad. He seems to really like you," He stated it quite matter-of-factly. So that was what he was trying to find out. If I had any feelings for Brad. I decided to play along.

"Really? I like him too," I replied nonchalantly. I noticed Nate's fork pause, the pasta strands coiled around it. His posture suddenly seemed tensed before he relaxed again.

"What I meant was, he seems to like you... Not as a friend," Nate casually lifted to fork up to his mouth, but I could tell that he was waiting intently for my answer.

"Well, he is kinda hot, and cute too. Not to mention that he's smart," I grinned, pretending to shrug as I bit my bottom lip to keep the laughter from exploding out as Nate furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm hot and sexy too! And I could be smart if I wanted to!" Nate retorted.

"Says the person who flunked his algebra," I replied dryly, but felt a smile creeping up my face as Nate pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That just says that you're a lousy tutor," Nate smirked as I rolled my eyes at him. I felt warmth spreading over me.

"Thank you, Nate."

He winked at me before tucking into his dinner and stuffing his mouth full of food before he looked at me again.

"But seriously, Brad--"

"I like you," I cut in. "Brad's just a friend. Albeit a really good friend, but still a friend."

Nate grinned so widely that pieces of pasta fell out of his mouth.

I grimaced. "Gross. You're cleaning that up." I teased, but I couldn't help the traitorous smile from surfacing again.

This must have been the first time I'd smiled so much in days.


Authors note: There's only a few more chapters to go! I'll definitely miss this story after it's done, though. :( Night confessions is on Teen Fiction #188! You guys are more than amazing!! Thank you!!

And I can see that you like the picture of Nate ;);) He's Romain Vennat (a&f model)

Here's the pic of Abby. I thought that this picture of Avril Lavigne suited Abby's character, but if you don't like it, you can imagine your own Abby! ^^

Please vote and comment! Every comment makes me smile :) thank you all awesome readers!!! 

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