Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Previously: "Hey, sweetheart, I want you to serve me tonight." I shivered in disgust. "Leave me alone, go find some other girl," I snapped. "You don't have to act so modestly. You're nothing but a slut anyway. You're just another whore who sells her body," he whispered. Anger boiled up inside of me. I kneed him in the groin. Yet his words rang true in my ears. And it hurt like a bitch. Once I reached home, I threw my things onto the sofa and sank to the floor, curling into a tight ball. The floor was cold and hard, as I cried myself to sleep.


"God, Abby! What happened to your eyes?! Why are they so swollen? Have you been crying again last night?" Lilia questioned, as soon as she saw me in school.

"I um. I ran into a pole last night," Okay, I knew I wasn't the most fantastic liar but that was the only excuse I could come up with. Pulling my cap down further to hide my eyes, I silently prayed for Lilia to believe me. As usual, it didn't work.

"Yeah right, so not gonna believe that! The last time your eyes were like that you told me you cried because your goldfish died. You don't even have a goldfish! I swear, your lying's not much better than Nate's ya know?" Lilia replied, glaring at me. Nate. Just hearing his name made my heart beat faster. Oh god. He's taken already! I felt like such a slut.

"Just drop it," I replied, walking on with Lilia hot on my heels. Oh, joy. Lilia had almost the same classes as me today. More questioning to come. Sighing defeatedly, I walked towards the school's indoor sports hall, we had gym first period. Good, maybe a little running would be able to take my mind off things for a while. But then again, my body was sore all over from sleeping on the floor yesterday.

"We'll be playing volleyball today for class," the teacher barked out. She was tall and really muscular, like a male. From the back you could even mistake her for a guy, just like the other coaches. "The class will be split into two categories. Boys will play against boys, and girls against girls. All clear?" Volleyball? Urgh. Not my type of sport. I guess I'd probably just end up dodging the ball whenever it came towards me. Looking up, I spotted a few of the cheerleaders staring at me. Wait, no. They were glaring. Weird. I never once stepped on their toes or even talked to them before. Sighing inwardly, I made a mental note to never cross paths with them. They looked intimidating enough as it was, with their perfectly manicured nails and nicely styled hair. Remember what I said about the 'in' crowd being human? Well, there were still exceptions. They just don't go all out to mess your life up. Well, based on my experiences in school so far. Some could also be nice, like Kelly. But Kelly wasn't in this class. In fact, it seemed like only all the bitchy cheerleaders were here.

I glanced around the room, and froze. My eyes lingered on one particular boy. Nate. Damn. He was in this class too. Why hadn't I realised that before? Right. I never noticed him much when I was in the nerd club. He turned, as if sensing my eyes on him, and shot me a wink.

A smile found its way to my lips before I could even stop it. Then I turned away, my heart thumping. He was taken! My smile dropped almost instantly, as did my heart.

Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I realised that it was the cheerleaders I had seen glaring at me just now.

"Who are you?" One of the cheerleaders questioned with a scowl on her plastic face.

"Excuse me?" I replied, slightly taken aback by her question.

"Are you deaf? I asked you who are you. Why were you sitting with Nate and the guys yesterday during lunch? I thought you were just some nerd. Why's Nate suddenly so close to you?" The cheerleader questioned in a high pitched voice. I cringed slightly. Her voice was so nasal, it almost felt as if she was using one of her long, sharp nails to scratch the board.

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