Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Previously: Nate blinked, not bothering to hide his surprise. "You have a date?" I nodded, feeling more confident. "Yup," I replied, popping the 'p'. A funny expression flashed across Nate's face. "With who?" "That's for me to know and for you to find out," I winked, and went back to my worksheet, suddenly feeling like I was stronger, ignoring Nate's boring gaze into my body. I snickered at his grumpy face.


I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Was I seriously gonna be wearing this for my date with Rick? He wouldn't even take a second glance at me. Honestly, I hated wearing these baggy and unflattering clothes. But I had to wear them to fit the "nerd" description. Oh screw this. I wasn't in the nerd club anymore, right? That means I could wear anything I wanted!

I rummaged through my closet, looking for something that wasn't so unflattering, and yet wasn't too revealing at the same time. Which was kinda hard, considering it was either the baggy clothes I wore to school all the time or my stripper clothes. Which I was definitely not going to wear, unless I had lost my mind and wanted to announce to the whole world my biggest secret.

After practically turning my whole bedroom upside down, I finally managed to come up with a decent piece of clothing. I slipped off my baggy pants and put on a pair of skinny jeans instead, with a tight fitting shirt that didn't make me look too much like a whore. I ran the flat iron through my hair and put on some basic make-up, and I was good to go. I took a deep breath.

"Smile, Abby, you're going on a date," I told myself, staring at the mirror. I forced a small smile onto my face, but it didn't feel right. I dropped it.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Must be Rick. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Rick was leaning against the door frame, looking hot as usual. He was wearing a collared shirt with a pair of faded jeans, his dark hair tousled and messy. I had to admit that he was more than good-looking. It was no wonder that he was a lady-killer.

The thought of me going on a date with such a hot guy made me a little excited. I was actually going on a date! I had never gotten a boyfriend before -- unless you counted middle school when I was in a "girlfriend-boyfriend" relationship with this boy. But the furthest we went was holding hands and hugging. In a friend sort of way.

"Lady, you are smokin' hot!" Rick exclaimed, his eyes running up and down my body, jaw wide open. I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks and I was sure I was turning red. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

"Stop staring, can we go now?" I rolled my eyes at him, but he didn't seem to care. God, boys will be boys.

"Yeah, yeah. But seriously, you should totally start wearing stuff like this more often. With your looks and that body of yours, you could even pass off as a cheerleader!" He replied, still staring, as if he were mentally undressing me with his eyes. I smacked him playfully on the head and shoved him out the door towards his car.

"Damn, I swear you have serious violent tendencies girl! I bet if I told anyone you were a nerd no one would even believe me!" He hurriedly ran over to his car before I could even throw my shoe at him. He turned back and shot me a wink, and I glared at him.

"So, where are we going?" I asked once we were on the road.

"You'll see," Rick replied mysteriously. Urgh. He was just so annoying sometimes!


After parking his car, Rick led me towards a classy looking restaurant which had a long snaking queue right in front of the counter. He walked right up to the man at the counter and exchanged a few words with him, and I felt glares from the other customers in the queue. The man then quickly led us towards one of the tables inside the restaurant, ignoring protests from those queuing outside. I felt a little bad for them. How had Rick managed to do that?

"What did you tell him?" I asked, as soon as we were settled down.

"Oh nothing, except that my father was Richard Moore and that he knew the owner of the restaurant. Hm, actually, he practically knows everyone. I mean, that's how I became friends with Nate too, his father's my dad's business partner."

"Rich kid," I replied dryly while he smirked at me. I had to say that I was impressed. But I couldn't help wondering what if I had just half the amount of wealth he had. Then I wouldn't need to be a stripper. I wouldn't be having so many problems in my life.

I sighed involuntarily.

After ordering our food, I tucked in quickly, who cared about image right now? I was hungry. But out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Rick looking at me nervously, as if he had something to say.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"So... The reason I asked you out today, was because I need a favor from you..." Rick started, his eyes shifting around. So he hadn't asked me out on a date because he liked me. He just needed help. I felt a little disappointed, yet relieved at the same time. Hm, maybe I only liked him as a friend, a brother, not in that kind of way...

"Go on," I encouraged. I was trying my best not to laugh, he just looked so much like a lost little sheep right now!

"Well... There's this girl in one of my classes, and I really like her, so... Could you like, help me on this one?"

"Wow, you're talking about another girl while you're on a date with me?" I said sarcastically. "Smooth."

"Shut up," he grumbled. "I knew you didn't like me that way anyway. That way you liked Nate," He waggled his eyebrows at me playfully, but some of my light feelings had dissipated at the thought of Nate. I shook my head. No. Forget Nate. He's just a jerk head.

"Why are you asking for my advice on this? Aren't all the girls at school attracted to you like flies are attracted to shit?" I smirked back at him, and he glared at me, before continuing, "Well that's the problem, she just doesn't seem to be attracted to me. I just don't understand what's going on in her mind sometimes. So can you help?"

"Fine, just give me her name and I'll try to get closer to her, but on one condition."

"Name it," he replied almost instantly.

"Never, comment on my body again. It's freaky," I shuddered, while he winked and leaned back in his chair.

"I can't promise that babe, you look too edible," he joked. I scowled at him and continued eating my food, and I could tell Rick was highly amused. Just then, I heard whispering from behind me, followed by familiar voices.

"Oof! Stop pushing me you oaf!"

"I wouldn't if you weren't so fat!"

Those voices... I turned around abruptly, only to find the one and only Nate... and Brad...?


Author's Note: New update! Fan, Vote, Comment! :D Help Night Confessions get to 100000 reads! :) Thanks guys!



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