Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Previously: "So first, we wait for all the nerds to vacate the club room. Nate will distract them. Then we add food colouring into their milk and pour oil on whatever worksheets they left in the room. Clear?" Nate's eyes sparkled in excitement. "It's show time!"


"Uh.. Hey, Mr Grant wanted me to pass the message to you guys that he wanted to see those taking higher algebra in his office right now. I guess you guys should go find him. He looked really impatient," Nate casually stopped by the club room and peered in. Lilia and I hid behind the back door of the club room as we watched Nate make his move. Genius! I thought to myself, Nate must have remembered when I told him only nerds took higher algebra. It was rule number 51 of the nerd club rules that all nerds were to take higher algebra.

"Right, thanks. We'll go now." Yasmin replied, and as if on cue, all the other fellow nerds got up from their seats and followed her out of the room. Score! As soon as they got far enough from the club room, Nate beckoned for us to go inside while he kept watch outside.

As I lugged a heavy bucket of oil into the room, Lilia anxiously ran in and poured the red food colouring into each of the nerd's drinks. Carefully scooping out oil from the bucket, I splashed it over the ton of worksheets strewn all over the many tables in the club room.

"Come on, let's go before they get back!" Lilia whispered, tugging on my hand.

"Why are you whispering? They're not even here yet. Besides, Nate's keeping watch. Relax." Looking around the room, I noticed it hadn't changed much, except for a new board which had all the rules written clearly on it, especially the golden rule which was written in red. I bet Yasmin must have reinforced the rules after Lilia broke the most important one. I walked over to it and started doodling weird images of whatever came to my mind, much to Lilia's dismay. I noticed a piece of paper on the table that Yasmin used to always sit at. It was a speech of some sort. About drug abuse? Of course! I vaguely remembered overhearing Miss Thompson asking Yasmin to prepare a speech for her to talk to the school about the day Lilia and I got kicked out of the nerd club! This should be it! I picked up a pen and started editing the script. This was gonna be fun! Upon seeing what I was doing, Lilia frowned disapprovingly.

"What are you doing? We'll get into huge trouble if we're caught!" Lilia exclaimed.

"Just chill, they're not even back yet, and no one would suspect us! I mean, we're nerds! Quick, help me change as much of the script as possible." Reluctantly, Lilia did as I said, grumbling softly under her breath.

"Uhhhhh hey! Why're you guys back so fast? I thought Mr Grant said he wanted to see all of you?" As soon as I heard Nate's deliberate loud and panicky voice, I threw down the piece of paper, grabbed Lilia's hand and made a dash out the back door.

"Strangely, he said he didn't ask for us." Yasmin replied with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Oh, well he must have forgotten. We shouldn't blame him. He's really getting old you know." Nate answered, while Yasmin just nodded her head in agreement. I sniggered, hiding behind one of the lockers. Now could she even believe that? Nate was one of the worst liars I knew. Oh well, the thing about nerds was that, although they had really high IQs, they were still kinda gullible at times. Or more possibly, she was too flattered that a jock was speaking to her to even think clearly. I doubt that jocks even noticed nerds. Nate was the first jock to ever speak to me, anyway.

"Uh I gotta go now. Bye!" Nate waved briefly at them and hurriedly made his escape towards us. Phew. Mission accomplished!

"I did good didn't I?" Nate grinned cockily at us.

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