Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Previously: The ball flew high in the air, only to be blocked by one of the cheerleaders at the net. It bounced off the wall behind me with a loud thud and rebounded back. My head snapped to the side as the ball smashed against my skull, and I fell to the ground, disoriented. Black spots danced in front of my eyes, and I vaguely heard shouts in the background. Then everything went black as I slipped into unconsciousness.


Light. The lights were way too bright. It felt as if someone was shining a torchlight directly into my eyes. My eyelids felt heavy, like cotton wool soaked in water.


More light filtered in, and I groaned softly. My head felt as if someone had bashed it with a fifty-pound hammer.

"Open your eyes, Abs," the voice urged.

My eyes fluttered open. The world seemed to be spinning slightly, as my eyes struggled to adapt to the light. The walls in the room were a pleasant pastel blue, and I was lying on something soft.

"Urgh," I groaned. My eyes adjusted on the person speaking. The person had shoulder-length brown hair, and copper-blue eyes. And she was shaking me gently.

"Stop shaking," I moaned.

She stopped.

I sat up slowly, rubbing my head and wincing. "Did we win?"

Lilia looked at me. "Nope."

I groaned. "How embarrassing." I fainted for nothing?

Lilia sighed. "Abby, you fainted! It doesn't matter whether we won or not. You gave your best, but the cheerleaders were just better."

I flinched slightly at her bluntness.

"But," Lilia's voice was wistful, "all the girls were literally seething with jealousy. The jocks carried you to the sick bay!" She sighed, looking at me with envy. "You lucky thing."

My heart began beating faster. Nate carried me here? This was just like a fairytale! I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face.

"Hey, you're awake," a male voice rang out from the doorway.

I turned, my heart soaring -- before dipping and falling flat again. It was Brad. Not Nate. It wasn't his voice anyway. I guess crazy hope could do that to you. Brad's voice was much lower, but Nate's was somehow more pleasant and sexy.

"He carried you here," Lilia whispered, winking. "Along with James."

My heart almost stopped. Suddenly, I felt deflated, like someone had pricked my balloon with a needle. Nate wasn't the one who had carried me here? It was Brad and James? James? The stony guy who didn't even say a word during lunch? What about Nate?

As if noticing my sudden change in mood, Brad said, "Nate was plenty worried, you know."

"Really?" My tone was flat. I knew they could all tell that I liked Nate by now, so I didn't bother with trying to cover it up.

Brad nodded. "Hey, no thank you?" He joked light-heartedly.

I gave him a small smile. He was right. I wasn't acting in the least bit grateful. Besides, how many times did I have to remind myself that Nate was already taken?

"Thanks," I said.

He smiled at me. My heart almost skipped a beat. How haven't I noticed that his smile was so beautiful? His dimples winked at me, and I almost swooned. And his pearly white teeth were all perfectly in line, with full lips that stretched widely at me. He looked adorable.

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