Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Previously: "Great! I'll see you Saturday!" Rick shot me a smile before bounding away to his next class. I shook my head in bewilderment. Boys and their mood swings. First Nate, now him. Who knows? Maybe he'll start ignoring me tomorrow. God, they said birds of the same feather flock together. Well, they sure do.


~~Nate's P.O.V~~

"Kelly... We need to talk," I said as we walked out of the diner. I tried to tell myself that it was for the best, and not let my guilt stop me.

"Yeah?" She replied, shooting me a sweet smile. Honestly those lips of hers would make any guy melt. Sure, it still did to me. I mean, I'm a red-blooded hormonal guy too. You couldn't blame me. But...

"Kelly... I know this is kinda sudden, but... I don't think we should continue being together," I stopped and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Excuse me? What did you just say?" Kelly asked, her face carrying expressions of shock and disbelief. Then she let out a shaky laugh. "Haha, very funny. Really, you almost got me there, Nate. I almost thought that you wanted to break up for real."

"I'm serious, I think we should break up. This relationship isn't going anywhere and I think we both know that. I'm sorry."

"Ha ha very funny Nate, quit playing," Kelly replied, trying to act as if nothing had happened, though I could tell that she had known we would break up sooner or later. But I could see her eyes harden. I've known from being with Kelly for two years that her pride mattered most to her. She was a nice girl, but she had told me straight to my face a month after we started dating that if we ever broke up, she'd be the one to break it. But I had really liked her, and I promised her. I felt bad for breaking this promise, but...

"I'm really sorry Kelly, I don't think we should be together anymore, I don't want to continue leading you on and end up wasting your time and mine. I guess this is goodbye," I shot her an apologetic look and bent down to kiss her one last time, as a farewell, remembering her words from the time she had told me she'd want to be the one to break off the relationship.

"I'll be really cool, you know. I'll give you a farewell kiss before turning away from you, and you'll watch me fade into the distance, thinking about the kiss forever," she had laughed.

I turned away slightly to walk away. I noticed Kelly looking straight ahead with a blank look on her face, and I followed her gaze only to find a boy bending over some broken glass pieces.


"Nothing, there was just some scantily clad girl standing over there staring at us just now. Do you know her?" Kelly asked, breaking away from her gaze.

"What girl? There isn't anyone standing there." I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. That was her reaction? Weird, I thought as I turned to walk away from Kelly, only to have my arm caught in a vice-like grip.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked coldly, her voice low. She dropped her hand suddenly and crossed her arms across her chest, her face wiped of any emotion. This was what I hated during our relationship. When we fought, she'd go all cold and I wouldn't be able to read her emotions. I'd rather she explode. Sometimes I wished she was easier to read, like most girls. Like Abby. Abby blushed so often and I'd bet she had nothing to hide. Unlike Kelly, who was just so... Dark, sometimes.

"I'm sorry," I tried to apologise. "It just... Doesn't feel right anymore."

"It's because of that nerd, isn't it?" Her lips curled in disgust. Then she let out a humourless laugh. "Your taste in women has really gone down, Nate."

I felt annoyance creep up on me, my face darkening. What was so bad about Abby?

"I really don't want to fight with you Kelly," I said stiffly. "I hope we can remain as friends."

"Friends?" She chuckled darkly. "Isn't that what a girl should say?" She glared at me, but I saw the emotions that she was trying to hide clash in her jewel-like eyes. "I can tell Abby all about your past, you know. Maybe it will scare her away. And all those girls you slept with before I came into your life?" She shrugged. "I'll bet she'll be disgusted with you."

I clenched my fists. "Don't."

"Oh, so you're asking a favour from me now?" Her voice dripped with sarcasm. "Well, news flash, jerk. We're over. But," she pretended to think, placing a slender finger on her chin. "I won't tell her, if you don't tell anyone about this."

"This?" I blinked. "You mean, the break up?"

I saw a wave of emotion crash in her eyes for a split second. Then, as if she were trying to control her emotions, she answered in a monotone voice, "Yes."

I nodded. "You can tell about today anytime you want. I won't, it's up to you," I instinctively reached out to touch her hand. "It's the most I can offer after doing this, Kelly."

She nodded silently. I smiled and was about to pull away when she slipped her hand into mine. I looked at her in surprise, and she turned to give me one of those genuine, heart-stopping rare smiles. She tiptoed and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Thank you, Nate." She breathed, and I felt as if the world had stopped. Then her soles touched the ground again, and the emotions that was in her voice, face and eyes went out completely, her face going blank. "Goodbye."

She left, and it was really me staring into her back until she was only a tiny speck in the distance. I felt my heart still thumping. I thought I had lost all love for her. But then she just gave me one of those times when I loved her the most... Her genuine smile. Her emotional voice. Her pure face. Her eyes filled with feelings. Feelings for me.

Did I still... Love her after all?


Once I got home, I lay in bed, hands tucked behind my head, images of the scene just now still swirling in my mind. I didn't know if I regretted it. I remembered her bringing so much laughter into my life. Before she came, I had been screwing with girls like they were trash, as a sort of defiance to dad.

He had told me, after mum died, not to play around with girls, because they had feelings too. But he also told me a lot of other things. In fact, he was telling me how to live my life. I was like a robot, listening to him all the time. Going into football. Trying to get good grades. And finally, I snapped. When I brought an F home, he had told me to get out of the house. And I did. I threw my paper in his face and that was when my life began to truly crumble. My grades plummeted, and I did exactly what dad had warned me against: I played around. I played around so much, I had slept with almost all the girls in school. Then Kelly came into my life, and I saw her as a challenge.

I didn't know how bad she had me twisted around her finger until we started dating, and I let her pick up the pieces of my life to fix back again. I tried picking up my grades, I did my best at football and I stopped banging random girls. But a year after dating, I could tell we were starting to separate just a fraction.

Why had we stuck together then? Was it because of... Gratitude? I had been with her when her grandparents passed away, and held her hand all night as she cried. She had been with me through the worst times in my life, and I had been there for her at her worst, too.

It wasn't something so easy to forget. But when Abby came along, all those thoughts suddenly seemed to fall to second place. Abby had me laughing, and I found myself looking forward to seeing her everyday. Who knew she was so funny? She just... Made me feel so different whenever I was around her. So... Warm. Complete. I found myself wanting to be closer and closer to her. Oh god, I sound like a chick.

But seriously, who did I really love?


Author's note: Hey guys! Chapter in Nate's POV to thank you guys for sticking with Night Confessions! Fan, Vote, Comment! <3 Help Night Confessions get back on the What's Hot list? Pretty pleaseee? XD


Celphia :D

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