Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Previously: "I couldn't believe that James actually thought I was a stripper too. I mean, come on! I'm way better than Abs- I mean Abigail. He was just going, 'I really like you, even though I know you're hiding something from me', and I was like 'What the hell are you talking about?' So then he said 'I know you're a stripper, like Abigail'." Yasmin and her burst out laughing, and I couldn't take it anymore. I flushed the toilet and slammed the door open. I never imagined her to be the one to betray me.

"Hello, Lilia."


The looks of shock on Yasmin and Lilia's faces almost had me laughing. They looked so gob-smacked it was funny. To think about it, I had never seen Yasmin lose her cool before. Nor had I ever heard her talk so "cheerleader", as she had always banned the nerd club from doing so.

Yasmin quickly composed herself. She regarded me with a cool stare, though her eyes were judging and disgusted. "Hello, Abigail," she sneered.

"Hi." I replied, still staring back at Lilia and not even glancing at Yasmin.

Yasmin scowled. "Do you know how disgraceful it is for the nerd club to ever have had you as a member?"

"Do you know how disgraceful it is for the nerd club president to actually be talking like a cheerleader?" I snapped back, finally breaking Lilia's glare to face Yasmin.

She glowered at me and bit back a retort before turning to Lilia stiffly. "I'll see you at Algebra later," she told her before spinning on her heels and marching out of the bathroom with a loud slam of the door. I rolled my eyes. Who knew she was secretly such a drama queen?

"She's so different from what she appears to be, huh?" I looked at Lilia pointedly. "I guess there are many people in this world that are like that."

Lilia's usually warm brown eyes framed with her huge glasses were as cold as ice. "That's because you didn't really know them."

"Know them?" I snorted. "Lilia, I was your freaking best friend."

Lilia's eyes flashed. "Some best friend you are. You don't know a single shit about me. And what about Ashley? When she came into the picture, suddenly it was all about her. You guys were giggling away like a bunch of hyenas together all the time, it was so f***ing annoying."

I blinked, my mind barely registering the fact that Lilia had said "the f-word", as she used to call it.

"You didn't even understand how I truly felt. I had been there for you, all the time, but what about you? I lent you my history notes. I gave you chocolates on valentine's day since you were embarrassed that no one had given you any. I comforted you when your silly pet fish died." She ranted, her fists clenching by her sides.

I fought to find words to say. She didn't know that my "silly pet fish" hadn't died on that day, but it had been the day after I sold my body to a customer for the first time.

But she had been there for me. Instead of using whatever spare time she had to read or study, she comforted me and tried to make me laugh by cracking scientific jokes. And there were so many other times when she had been there for me. And I hadn't realized how left out she felt when I started hanging out with Ashley.

That was why I'd never expected Lilia to betray me.

My stomach churned. I really was a horrid friend.

"I'm sorry, but you know I never meant to leave you out. You're my best friend, Lil, and I had been there for you too. I quit the nerd club--"

"Don't you dare say you quit the nerd club for me!" Lilia exploded, her hand flying across my cheek with a resounding smack.

I froze, and blinked away the tears that had sprang from the sharp sting.

"I only slept with a guy once," Lilia said quietly. "But you had slept with tons of guys for money. It is so bloody ironic that I got caught, and you didn't. And you made yourself out to be some heroic friend, huh, using that chance to quit the nerd club. No wonder you didn't give a shit what the nerd club thought. You didn't even care."

"But," she continued, her voice breaking ever so slightly, "I did. I loved the nerd club. And to make matters worse, you started dating the guy that I lost my virginity to, the guy that I loved."

She stared at me straight in the eyes, unwavering.

I stared back at her before it clicked, and I gasped, my hand flying to my mouth.

"Finally figured it out, huh?" Lilia sneered, her face distorting into an ugly expression. "The guy that I lost my virginity to is Nate. And unlike some other people, I'm not that kind of easy girl who would lose my virginity just because I was desperate, but because I honestly loved Nate." All emotions left her face, just leaving a cold, emotionless girl in its wake. Somehow, she gave a somewhat similar resemblance to James.

My chest constricted, and breathing suddenly became difficult. Undefinable emotions raked through my body, threatening to overwhelm me. Lilia lost her virginity to Nate. Lilia loved Nate. I had been dating the guy my best friend loved. Nate had slept with Lilia.

"I know it's too late to say sorry, but I'm so, so, so sorry. I... I didn't know, really..." I finally said, my hands trembling a little as I unconsciously reached for Lilia. I couldn't believe I had been such a horrible friend. How could I have been so insensitive? And why didn't... Why didn't Lilia tell me? I had never prodded her on who she had lost her virginity to, but I had never expected it to be Nate.

Lilia flinched away from my touch, avoiding my hands as her eyes narrowed. Then she shrugged indifferently. "You don't need to say sorry. After all," her lips curved upwards, "I've inflicted all the pain you had caused me back on you."

It felt as if she had just slapped me again.

Lilia pretended to place a dainty finger on her chin and tilted her head. "Remember that time when you and the rest of the dumb jocks got caught trying to prank the teachers?" She smiled without humor.

A chill ran down my spine. "It was you."

She cackled. "Yes, it was me who told the teachers. And it was me who told the entire school about your dirty, dirty secrets." She took a large step towards me so that our noses were almost touching. "Seems like you were not the only one who had secrets, huh?" She whispered, her minty breath fanning all over my face, and turning me into ice.

She took a step back, laughing. "Bye, Abigail. I probably won't ever see you again." She walked out of the bathroom, feeling as proud as ever, and left me feeling the lowest I had ever been.

I didn't understand what her words meant until the next day.

During the first lesson, the announcement blared through the speakers. "Miss Abigail Brown, please come to the principal's office. The principal would like to see you."

My classmates had snickered gleefully, knowing that I was going to get in trouble. In a daze, I packed my things and went to the principal's office.

And that was when I received one of the worst news in my life.

"Miss Brown, in light of recent events, you are suspended."


Author's Note: Hey all! Thanks so much for supporting me all this while by reading and especially voting and commenting (hint, hint) ;) Night confessions would probably be coming to an end soon! This chapter is dedicated to all you awesome readers! <3

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