Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Previously: I looked up to see Nate staring intently at me. Our eyes locked for a second. I swallowed, feeling my blood fizzing and my heart pounding. Nate cleared his throat, pulling me upright and looked away. Just as I took out my folder which contained all my school stuff, a piece of paper dropped out from it, a piece from a map. "What's that? It's about the nerd club right?" "It's for a prank." Nate grinned cheekily. "Oh well, then, a prank, you say? Count me in!"


"What? Nate's coming too?" Lilia's eyes were wide.

I nodded, sighing. "Yeah. He practically invited himself." I tried lifting the heavy barrel of oil to pour into the empty buckets. We were preparing for the prank -- can you believe we actually stole an entire barrel of oil from the cafeteria kitchen? Well, technically, Nate stole it. He insisted that the cafeteria ladies wouldn't need so much oil, and sneaked in. He said that they were either sleeping or smoking and gossiping together and didn't notice him at all. How he did it, I have no idea. We were also skipping lunch to do this -- in the janitor's closet? How bad would this look if someone saw us coming out of the closet together? They would definitely get the wrong idea. And Lilia and I would definitely be labeled sluts.

Lilia glanced around. "Where's he, then?" She looked a little excited, but also nervous at the same time.

"Probably lazing off somewhere, being the useless bum that he is," I sniggered.

"That's not very nice of you, Abby," a husky voice breathed down my neck. I involuntarily shuddered, his masculine voice sending pleasant shivers down my spine. I noticed Lilia blushing. I had behaved just like her a few days ago. I couldn't believe how rude and relaxed I was around Nate now. But I still did feel those butterflies flapping their wings in my stomach and tingles wherever he touched me sometimes.

"Shut up," I felt heat rush into my cheeks. Great. I'm still blushing? I should be used to Nate's childish actions by now.

Nate's hand rested in mine. My eyes widened before I realised that he was merely making me put the barrel of oil down on the floor.

"I'll do it," he said. I was about to open my mouth and thank him when he continued on, "I don't want you spilling all the oil and wasting it anyway. You'll waste all my efforts in getting it." With that, he shoved me over to the left.

I gaped at him. What a jerk!

He effortlessly lifted the barrel of oil, and I couldn't help but stare at his arm. His muscles flexed deliciously as he tipped the barrel carefully into the first bucket, then going on to the next, filling both buckets with oil.

"Enjoyed the show?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow. He placed the empty barrel onto the floor. The blush creeped all the way to my hairline, and I saw Lilia turning as red as a tomato as well. She looked away shyly.

"Not much show to begin with," I lied bluntly, bending to pick up a bucket.

"I don't believe you," Nate shook his head. "You and your friend were practically drooling."

Lilia smiled shyly at him.

"So what are we going to do, again?" I asked, casually changing the topic.

Nate smirked at me. "You should know. You thought of the plan in the first place."

I sniffed. "Well. No harm repeating, then." I looked at them and started running thought the plan again. "So first, we wait for all the nerds to vacate the club room. Then we add food colouring into their milk, change the newspaper articles and clippings to pornographic pictures and pour oil on whatever worksheets they left in the room. Clear?"

Nate shook his head, smiling. "Pure evil."

Lilia looked worried. Really worried. "I think it's overboard, Abs."

Nate looked at us. "What did they do to you two, anyway?"

Lilia and I shared a look. Nope, definitely not telling him.

"We broke some rules. Like, we would be breaking rules now if we were still nerds." I vaguely explained.

Nate looked stunned. "Like, right now? What rules would you be breaking?"

"Talking to someone from the 'in' crowd and playing pranks on fellow nerds." Lilia said. I was almost surprised that Lilia spoke. She had become so quiet ever since Nate appeared.

Nate scratched the back of his neck. "Wow. Nerds are stiff."

"I think this is too much, Abs. Lets take away the milk prank." Lilia pleaded.

"No way! The milk was genius!" Nate replied. "At most we can take away the newspaper one, okay?"

I thought about it, and sighed. "Okay. Then you can take back all your porn stuff." I shot a look at Nate, and he smirked at us. Of course he would want the newspaper prank to be pulled out. He had been so unwilling to give us his pornographic magazines and posters.

I retrieved the small bottle of red food colouring from my khaki pants, and carefully passed it to Lilia. Her job was the easiest, which was just adding a couple of drops into the cups of every nerd's milk. Nate had questioned why all nerds drank milk and not coffee, and I answered that it was like a tradition. He then asked what if we were lactose intolerant. He got ignored.

"Well then," Nate looked at us. "So how do we get the nerds to vacate the club room?"

"So I thought about that earlier, and to be honest, the only plan I thought of was for you to go in and distract them for a bit, make them leave the club room for a while so that we can carry on with the plan," I answered.

"Right. And how am I supposed to do that? The nerds won't spare me a look and based on what I've heard from you guys, it might even be against the "nerd rules" to even be breathing the same air as me," Nate replied sarcastically.

"Well, technically it wouldn't be possible for you not to be breathing the same air as them, because actually..."

"I know you're a nerd, but don't start with the rambling, it's already getting hot enough in here," Nate cut her off before she could finish explaining.

"Well, why don't you come up with a plan then, genius?" Rolling my eyes at him, I continued speaking, "I guess you could just casually walk by the club room and inform them about a "famed mathematician" giving a talk or something. You're smart enough. Go figure." Nate nodded, clearly deep in thought. God, he looked so handsome when he was deep in thought. Damn it. Focus, Abigail. Focus.

"So are we all ready?" Lilia asked with a hint of anticipation in her voice.

Nate's eyes sparkled in excitement. "It's show time!"


Author's note: Once again, thanks to all the fans/readers, this chapter is dedicated to you guys! :) Vote/Fan/Comment? :D



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