Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Previously: "Aww you're so cute!" I burst out laughing at the look of annoyance on his face. "Yeah yeah, get out of my truck," James rolled his eyes as he pulled to a stop in front of my house. I smirked playfully at him before unbuckling my seatbelt and opening the door. "And Abigail?" He called as I got out of his truck. "Yeah?" "You're actually not that bad." He smiled, a genuine smile, as he drove off. James... Well, I could see myself becoming best friends with that guy.


"Hey Abby!" Rick called out to me as I turned to find him and Ethan walking towards me. Shit. Why weren't they in the cafeteria or something? It was lunch break now, and knowing those guys, they wouldn't miss food for anything.

"Oh hey guys!" I replied, forcing a smile onto my face.

"So, we haven't really seen you around lately. Are you avoiding us or something?" Ethan asked, scratching the back of his neck. Talk about direct approach.

"I... No... What makes you think that? Pfft... Why would I be avoiding you?"

"Nice try. So, it's about Nate right? Why didn't you tell us you were a couple? I thought we were friends!" Ethan feigned a hurt expression on his face. I rolled my eyes. I swear, sometimes they gossiped even more than I ever did!

"We. Are. Just. Friends. Where did you get that from anyway?" I gritted my teeth in frustration. Exactly how many people knew about that kiss?

"Oh, we were just talking to Chase the other day during lunch about why Nate had been pulling a long face all day long, and you know, word travels fast around here." Rick answered, throwing me one of his signature winks as he causally slung an arm around my shoulders.

"And come on, we all knew that you guys would end up together someday, you don't have to feel shy about it." Ethan added. I gaped at them. Why were they even so hell bent on making us out to be a couple? Wait. If even he and Ethan knew about that kiss... Did it mean that Brad knew about it too...? But why didn't I want Brad to know about it so much?

"Who else knows about it?"

"Hm, it's just us and Chase, some of the jealous cheerleaders, the nerds, the hippies, the goths, the druggies, actually, almost everyone who was in the parking lot that day when you kissed. Whoa, that's quite a large number actually," Ethan replied, pretending to count on his fingers the number of people who knew about our so-called relationship. Phew. At least he hadn't mentioned Brad. God, I still didn't know what to do about both Brad and Nate yet...

"Shut up, you ass. Can we at least not talk about this right now? Gosh you guys are like the nosiest people I've ever met." I rolled my eyes as I continued walking towards the library, with Ethan and Rick following closely behind like annoying little lost puppies. Wouldn't this -- following a girl around blindly-- affect their cool radar?

"Fine, we'll talk more about the fact that you're a couple later," Rick replied, smirking. God, how I wanted to rip off his head sometimes. "Anyway, you still gonna help me on that favour I asked from you that day?"

"What favour?" I asked, plastering an innocent look on my face. Oh yeah, you don't mess with me and get away with it. It's payback time, Rick.

"You know, that favour," Rick answered deliberately, looking towards me with a pleading look on his face.

"Oh, you mean the one where you asked me for help to get a girl?" I replied, batting my eyelids at him, smirking.

"Man, you actually did that?! God, you are so whipped!" Ethan burst out laughing, slapping Rick on the back.

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