Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Previously: Why had we stuck together then? Was it because of... Gratitude? She had been with me through the worst times in my life, and I had been there for her at her worst, too. It wasn't something so easy to forget. But when Abby came along, all those thoughts suddenly seemed to fall to second place. She just... Made me feel so different whenever I was around her. So... Warm. Complete. But seriously, who did I really love?


"Find a seat and sit down," Mrs Ravie ordered, pointing a bony finger at the crowded classroom.

I blinked in mild surprise. Who knew there were so many people in detention? Mrs Ravie looked at me with irritation, shown clearly on her face. Well, I thought silently to myself, it was your decision to put us in detention.

I walked over to an empty seat beside a sleeping guy at a far corner of the classroom, sliding my bag off my shoulder. I almost put my bag down until someone slid into the seat without warning, making me jump a little in surprise.

Ethan flashed me a wide grin. "Sorry, sweetheart, this seat is taken."

I narrowed my eyes. "You jerk." I picked my bag up and left, but not before kicking Ethan's chair hard, his hearty chuckle reverberating throughout the room.

I scanned the room, but all the seats had been taken up. Brad was sitting beside this girl who was obviously looking at him with interest, flipping her dyed green hair occasionally and popping her pink bubblegum. Brad though, was completely ignoring the girl, and gave me a small smile when he caught my eye.

Rick was sitting beside this tall guy who was wolfing down a burger noisily. James was sitting beside... Lilia?

And Nate... The seat beside him was empty. He was slumped against a table at the far right of the classroom, his head resting on the table. I felt my heart rate pick up speed. I was supposed to be getting over him. So why did I have to sit beside him for three months?! Damn. 

I sighed, shaking my head at the unfairness of it all. Just my luck. I slid into the seat cautiously, quietly opening up my bag to take out my homework. I'd rather Nate slept through the entire detention. That would make it easier for both of us.

"Hey," my head jerked up at his voice. I turned my head to see him staring at me. Then he smiled. Smiled! My jaw dropped a little. This was practically the first time he had smiled at me since that... incident.

"How've you been?"

Get a grip on yourself, Abby, I silently chastised. What was wrong with him? Did he really think he could just toy with my feelings like that? One minute he was giving me the cold shoulder and the next he was smiling at me, acting as if nothing had happened, asking me how I've been. Well, for one, I've been very upset! And I wasn't going to let him walk all over me like that.

I turned back, bluntly ignoring him. I dug into my bag for a pen, trying to ignore his burning gaze.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I gritted my teeth, and took out a black pen. I blindly uncapped it and began filling in my worksheet.

"Is there anything wrong?"

I fought back the urge to snort. Is there anything wrong! Was he seriously asking me that?

My writing became more urgent and furious as I scribbled on the worksheet, my lips pressed into a straight line as I forced my expression to be neutral.

"Hey," he touched my arm gently and I flinched slightly. He immediately retracted his hand, seemingly shocked at my reaction. My grip on the pen loosened, and I finally looked up at him. He looked hurt, and I felt my heart melting at the look on his face.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I know you're getting back at me for ignoring you and all."

My nails bit hard into my palm. "I understand. You were only defending your girlfriend after all." Sarcasm laced every single word.

He blinked. "What's wrong with you?" His brows furrowed together.

I sighed. He was right. I was being a bitch, but he had been the one who led me on. "Nothing," I muttered, getting back to my worksheet. I could barely concentrate with him staring at me like that.

"I'm sorry," he said in a soft voice. "I was just... confused."

I gripped my pen tightly, freezing.

"I've missed you," Nate said quietly. I felt my heart racing at least a thousand miles per hour. Did he really just say that?

He sighed at my lack of response. "I just wish that we could go back to normal, the way we were last time. Anyway, you're still my tutor, aren't you?"

He wanted us to go back to the way we were? He had no idea how much I wanted that, too.

"We aren't supposed to be talking, you know," I answered curtly.

He grinned, obviously pleased that I was talking to him again. "Who cares?"

"I do. I'm a nerd, remember?" I couldn't help but be sarcastic.

He shrugged. "A pretty cool nerd, if you ask me," he chuckled. Colour filled my cheeks, and I felt my entire face heat up. My heart started running, tripping over itself as if it was in a race...

"So, are you free Saturday night?" he asked.

"Wow, you're asking me on a date already?" I rolled my eyes.

He snorted. "You wish. I was just asking if you could tutor me then."

I flushed, and was about to come up with some witty comeback before remembering something. Hadn't Rick already asked me out on Saturday night too? I guess he hadn't told Nate. I sort of expected him to, but I guess guys didn't share things the way girls did, huh?

And I was over Nate. I had to be, if I didn't want my heart to be broken continuously. This was the checkpoint.

"I've got a date," I shrugged casually, even though my heart was pounding so hard. "So I can't make it Saturday night."

Nate blinked, not bothering to hide his surprise. "You have a date?"

I nodded, feeling more confident. "Yup," I replied, popping the 'p'.

A funny expression flashed across Nate's face. "With who?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," I winked, and went back to my worksheet, suddenly feeling like I was stronger, ignoring Nate's boring gaze into my body. He started pestering me until Mrs Ravie shouted at him to keep quiet and that if he wasn't going to, he was going to have another month of detention added. And that he was "an impish, impertinent and impudent student that was every teacher's nightmare".

I snickered at his grumpy face.


Author's Note: Hey guys! New update :D Fan, Vote, Comment! Thanks! <3


Celphia :)

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