Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Previously: "So, basically we have to get a huge bag of feathers, mix it with pink paint and string it up high above the shower room. We have to find a thin but sturdy string to tie it in place and stuff. Clear?" Brad explained. "Ok," we chorused. "Great, now lets get to work!"


"What's so good about that nerd anyway? What was her name again? Abigail or something? Kelly, you better be careful, she might just steal Nate away from you any moment now," one of the cheerleaders whispered loudly, obviously in gossip-mode, walking towards the table with Kelly and the others. Me, Lilia and the guys were hiding behind some nearby bushes. I know, such a "great" place for hiding right? Upon hearing the sound of my name, I shifted uncomfortably, as did the rest of the guys.

"Yeah, that bitch, I bet she seduced Nate to get him to hang out with her! But anyway, we already taught her a lesson for you during gym. We smashed her face so hard she just blacked out. What a weakling," Amanda boasted, obviously trying to get on Kelly's good side. Kiss-ass. Even though Amanda was the president cheerleader, Kelly was the most popular. It was obvious Amanda wanted to get as close to Kelly as possible. I felt Nate and Brad stiffen beside me. Nate actually cared! But then again, he might have just been anxious to hear what Kelly would say.

Kelly laughed. "Nah, I don't think that the nerd has that in her. Besides, I don't see her as an opponent at all." She shrugged. "I won't be mad just because Nate talks to some girl. At the end of the day, I know he still loves me." She smiled, looking like an angel with her dark hair flowing in the wind like her halo. Her tone and expression were nice just like we know, and it was obvious she didn't have anything against me, but her underlying meaning made my chest constrict with venom. I wasn't good enough to be her opponent at all?

Breaking away from my thoughts, I noticed the cheerleaders had already made their way over to the table where their drinks were placed. Everyone held their breath as they picked up their drinks. 3... ... They brought the drinks closer to them. 2... ... They slowly unscrewed the bottle caps. 1... ... Just as they opened their drinks and brought them close to their lips, the coke splashed out onto their faces with loud fizzing sounds. Then, as if they were telepathic or something, all of them let out shrill screams which were loud enough to shake the school building. All of us burst out laughing, trying hard to stifle our laughter, but to no avail. Just the sight of them being drenched in coke with looks of fury on their faces was too funny to bear. Noticing Kelly look over at our direction, we immediately ducked down for cover, praying hard that she hadn't seen us. Thankfully, she eventually looked away and got up from her seat along with the other cheerleaders to go to the shower room. Phase one was now complete!

As soon as the cheerleaders left for the shower room, we made our way toward it as well, stopping quite a distance away to prevent being caught. Brad had tied the string such that when they pushed the door open and entered the cubicle, the string would be tugged by the door, causing the bucket of paint and feathers to fall onto them. He was such a genius! Not to mention he was kinda hot too. Damn, stop spazzing over hot guys! I was Abigail Brown, I didn't need some hot guy as a boyfriend. I could survive perfectly well on my own too.

"Arghhhh!!! Oh my god, who the f*** did this?" All of a sudden, multiple shrieks rang out from the shower room. We high-fived each other, wide smiles spreading across our faces. Phase two was complete! Now we just had to get away from the scene quietly.


"That was so awesome man! I haven't had so much fun in weeks!" Rick exclaimed. We were walking out of school with the guys after the prank.

"I can't believe you actually came up with that genius coke prank!" Chase smiled at me, revealing his set of perfect teeth. Can anyone say swoon? Ethan jogged forward in front of us and held open the glass doors.

"After you, ladies," he held his hand out, indicating for us to walk out the door first. What a gentleman! After spending so much time with the jocks, I had come to find that Ethan was actually a very, very sweet guy, that day when we were planning the prank, he had even gotten all of us snacks to eat while discussing.

"How are you girls getting home?" Ethan asked, once we were out of school.

"Um we'll probably be taking the public bus," I replied.

"You girls want a ride? I can take Abigail, Chase can take Lilia home, right Chase?" Ethan proposed.

"Hey! Why do you get to take Abigail home? I wanna do that, she's my tutor anyway!" Nate pouted, and Brad smacked his hand over his face, pushing him away.

"I'll take her home. She likes me better anyway," Brad stated cockily. Man, I just don't get what they were even arguing about.

"Guys, it's fine, Ethan can take me home, Chase can take Lilia ok? Settled," I concluded, a smile spreading across my face when I saw their downcast faces. Ethan let out a whoop of joy, they were just so childish! But Lilia... Well, she had a look of disappointment on her face, and I wondered why...

"Nate!" A familiar voice shook me out of my thoughts, as we stopped in our tracks, turning just in time to see Kelly walking towards Nate in large, heavy strides.

"Nate, are you free now? We have to talk," There was a hint of annoyance in her voice, as she eyed all of us suspiciously.

"Uh, sure. Bye guys, see you tomorrow," Nate waved at us, before following behind Kelly.

"Woah. I wonder if Kelly found out. If she did, he's surely gonna be in some deep shit. Well, good luck to him then," Rick laughed, shaking his head.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for Nate, what if I had really gotten him into big trouble? Sighing inwardly, I followed Ethan to his car at the school's parking lot and bade goodbye to the others.

Author's note: Thanks to all readers for helping us reach 10000 reads! :) Vote, Fan, Comment? Haha to thank you guys, we're gonna be uploading a special chapter later on! :)


Celphia <3

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