Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Previously: "Thank you, Nate." He winked at me before tucking into his dinner and stuffing his mouth full of food before he looked at me again. "But seriously, Brad--" "I like you," I cut in. "Brad's just a friend. Albeit a really good friend, but still a friend." Nate grinned so widely that pieces of pasta fell out of his mouth. I grimaced. "Gross. You're cleaning that up." I teased, but I couldn't help the traitorous smile from surfacing again.

This must have been the first time I'd smiled so much in days.



I grabbed a pillow and pulled it over my head in a subconscious state as I drifted back into sleep.



"Wh-What?" My eyes shot open as I spun around, and being the clumsy person I was, I fell out of bed, landing on the floor in an ungraceful heap. I was definitely not a morning person. Great. This was just the perfect way to start my day.

I'd almost forgotten that I wasn't alone until I heard a soft chuckle from beside me. Nate was here. My heart rate quickened at the sight of him. He was dressed in a white shirt that outlined his defined abs, and a few strands of his blonde hair fell over his eyes. God, how was it even possible for someone to look so edible so early in the morning?

"It's not funny! How'd you manage to break into my house? And why are you even here? Don't you have to go to school?" I asked with a hint of annoyance in my voice. I shot him an accusing glare as I threw my pillow at him, which he caught pretty easily. I was just having a dream, and a damn good one at that, and he just had to go wake me up.

"I think you forgot to lock the door after I left yesterday, so I just let myself in," Nate smirked, offering me his hand as he helped me up, "And I have to agree with Rick, you do look hot in the morning." Nate's eyes ran across my tank top and shorts and shot me a wink.

My mouth fell open as I smacked his arm. And how did Rick know what I looked like in the morning? Oh, right. He picked me up when I went on that skateboarding date with him.

"And did Rick tell you about how I was totally checking him out when he was skateboarding? He's actually one of the hottest guys I know," I shot him a grin as I stifled a yawn and attempted to smooth my messy hair.

"What about me? I'm the starting quarterback you know!" Nate pouted as he folded his arms across his chest, flexing his arm muscles.

"You haven't told me why you're here yet," I rolled my eyes, ignoring his previous question.

"Go get dressed. I'm taking you somewhere," Nate made his way towards my bed and lay down propping his legs up with my pillow, making himself comfortable. Who even lies on other people's beds? I shook my head in bewilderment as I grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom.

When I came out of the bathroom, Nate was looking at one of the pictures on my bedside. It was of me and mom. Tears stung my eyes as I recalled the terrible truth I'd been forced to face just the day before. I inhaled deeply to keep the tears from falling as I turned away and walked towards my dresser. Nate looked up and seemed to notice the tears in my eyes as he put the picture down.

"I'm sorry," I felt Nate's warm arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me back into his broad shoulders. A tear rolled down my cheek as I turned to face him and stared into his mesmerising green orbs. He silently wiped away my tears and pulled me into his chest as he planted a kiss on my forehead. I guess it was his way of saying that he'd always be there for me, and I couldn't be more thankful. I pulled away seconds later, and Nate shot me a worried glance.

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