Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Previously: I scowled at him and continued eating my food, and I could tell Rick was highly amused. Just then, I heard whispering from behind me, followed by familiar voices. "Oof! Stop pushing me you oaf!" "I wouldn't if you weren't so fat!" Those voices... I turned around abruptly, only to find the one and only Nate... and Brad...?


"What are you doing here?" I asked, looking from Nate to Brad, who were desperately trying to avoid my gaze.

"Um... Hey guys...! It's... So funny to see you guys here! Such a coincidence, right?" Nate replied, his eyes shifting about.

I groaned inwardly. Seriously? How many times did I have to see his awful lying skills?

"Coincidence, huh?" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at them, as they glanced sheepishly at the ground.

"You aren't fooling anyone with that pathetic lie. Out with it, guys," Rick smirked, leaning back into his chair. Nate scowled at him before he turned to me.

"Well, you said that it was for me to find out who you had a date with right? Anyway, I stopped by your house this afternoon, and I happened to see Rick standing at the door. I kinda figured he was your date, so I followed you guys here... Out of... curiosity," he pretended to shrug nonchalantly. " And Brad... Well I seriously just bumped into this idiot here, I really have no clue why he's here either," Nate cast a sideways glance at Brad, who was shooting daggers at him.

"Why did you even stop by my house this afternoon?" I tapped my foot.

"I came to pick you up... Because... Um... You haven't been tutoring me lately, and I needed help with my grades." Nate answered, scratching his head. Nice save, genius.

"And why are you here?" I turned towards Brad, feeling more curious than ever.

"What? Nate can follow you and I can't? Well, except that I did it the smart way, unlike that dumb ass who totally ruined my perfect plan. I sort of overheard Rick asking you out on a date that day, and I was curious about what the douche bag would do with you on the date, so I got a tracking device installed on his car... Which wasn't hard, considering I bought a lot of tech devices from the boss there, and he taught me how to install it. And my plan was going perfectly well until this fat ass had to barge in and ruin it," Brad grumbled, while Nate just stood there pouting. Dang, he looked so cute! No, they both looked so cute!

I shook my head. What the hell, Abby?

"Wait. You guys seriously went through so much trouble just to spy on my date?" I felt confused, yet honoured at the same time. Hm, seems like things weren't always as they seemed...

"Anyway, since you guys are so curious about our date, I'll tell you how it went," Rick grinned, before getting up from his seat and walking towards me. I felt my heart drop. He was gonna tell them that he had asked me out just to get help from me.

There goes my pride. I sighed inwardly. Especially how I practically rubbed it in Nate's face.

I averted my gaze to the ground, studying a particular tile on the floor. The humiliation was going to come in ten seconds. No doubt about it.

Then I felt something warm tickling my neck, and blinked, turning my head up to look up. Rick's warm, minty breath was on my neck. My jaw fell open.

Without warning, he pressed his lips softly to mine, and my eyes widened in surprise before I gradually took in the situation before me. His lips tasted sweet... And minty, like his breath.

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