Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Previously: After spending lunch with the jocks, i found that they weren't typical jocks in stories. In fact, they were fun and had their own personalities."Hey," a high-pitched, feminine voice sang out. It was Kelly. One of the cheerleaders, and also one of the prettiest. She smiled us before looking at the jocks. Or rather, at Nate. My heart clenched when I saw Nate's face. He was looking at her with adoring eyes. "Hey babe," he smiled back, pulling her down towards him and kissing her full on the lips, right in from of me. I choked.


"Urgh," I groaned, splashing cold water onto my face. Lucky my uniform hadn't gotten wet, I noticed, heaving a small sigh of relief. If it even got slightly wet, Drake, the boss of the strip club, would definitely have something to say about it again. I looked down, wincing slightly at the gaudy colour. It was a bright orange bra with low, tight panties under a thin red coat. With my blonde wig. I'll definitely look like a sunflower or the rising sun.

I was still sore about the events that had taken place during lunch just now. Why did I have to choke when Nate and Kelly kissed? Oh, my god. The rest of the jocks had turned and looked at me, some raising eyebrows, some giving me knowing looks. And Lilia has given me a weird look as well. How embarrassing. Though Nate and Kelly hadn't noticed, and continued kissing each other more heatedly.

"Sorry," I had said. "I'm not used to PDA."

The jocks shot me a skeptical look. I was a nerd, and most nerds didn't like PDA. So they simply shrugged. And Lilia... I hadn't dared to look at her.

Once Nate and Kelly had finally pulled apart, their faces looked flushed. Nate smiled at us, and Kelly looked pinker. She grinned sheepishly at us, and then asked who Lilia and I was. Not in a rude way, but more like out of curiosity. And worse still, I couldn't exactly bring myself to hate Kelly. She was really nice. Unlike those evil bitches you can just hate on for stealing your crush or something.

I began applying foundation, as I started my whole make-up routine. I would turn out like a cake-face, but the customers sure didn't mind cake-faced blondes. In fact, I was beginning to think they sort of had a fetish for that.

Giving my lips a final coat of blood-red lipstick, I checked my reflection in the mirror. Jeez, when will Drake ever change the mirror? It had a freaking huge crack that crawled from the bottom all the way to the middle.

I breathed in, mentally throwing out all my emotions. Forget Nate. Forget Kelly. Forget Lilia. Forget mom. Forget myself.

"Ready? You're after Kat," Tin called. I nodded, my face blank.

I vaguely heard the announcement, and felt the light push in the back from Tin. I strutted out, all the way to the front, and pushed my coat down slightly. I could do this. i was strong. The audience cheered loudly, as usual. I dropped the coat, dipping to the floor seductively before doing my cat-walk to the pole and dancing. I was Mia. A stripper. Not Abigail Brown.

At the end of my dance, I went down the stage. My head was pounding. The music felt way too loud today. And this bunch of audience had been extremely rowdy.

"Hey, sweetheart," a hand snaked its way round my waist. I tried not to throw off the arm in disgust, and shivered when a raspy voice whispered into my ear, "I want you to serve me tonight." His tongue slid down my earlobe, and I shivered again. In disgust. But the man took it the wrong way.

"You like that, eh, bitch?" He said huskily into my ear. I pulled away from him, shooting him a glare. He looked like he was over fifty, with balding blonde hair and crooked teeth.

"Please leave me alone," I gave him a tight smile and started to walk off. Strippers didn't necessarily have to sleep with customers. Only when you want a bonus. I had only slept with customers a few times, when I desperately needed the money for mom's bill or anything. It always felt horrible, making you feel as dirty and cheap as dirt.

He his hand shot out and grabbed hold of my shoulder, yanking me back roughly.

"I said I wanted you for the night, blondie," he growled.

"And I declined. Go find some other girl," I snapped. We weren't supposed to snap at customers, but I was beyond annoyed. This day was just so horrible. I merely wanted everything to end and go home to cry myself to sleep again, was that too much to ask?

"Why are you acting so modest?" A creepy smile crawled onto his face. He pulled me close to him, his face nearing mine. I shrank back as his breath, which stank of cheap beer and cigarettes, blew hotly onto my face. "You don't have to act so modestly. You're nothing but a slut anyway." His hand touched my face, almost tenderly, and I winced. His hand felt rough and wrinkly.

He smiled with a glint in his eyes. "You're just another whore who sells her body," he whispered.

Don't cry, I told myself. Now isn't the time to cry. Just turn and walk away.

I pushed him, but he pulled me even closer, his stinky breath fanning my face. "Don't get feisty, bitch."

Anger boiled up inside of me. I kneed him in the groin.

He doubled over, cursing loudly. I blindly wove my way through the crowd, feeling my heart beating louder than the music. I went backstage, grabbed my coat and bag, and stumbled out of the night club. My eyes were tearing.

His words rang true in my ears. You're nothing but a slut anyway. He was right. I was just another slut, another whore. I knew it. But it still hurt like a bitch.

I made my way back home, tears streaming down wet cheeks, smudging my make-up. I must've looked like a right mess.

Once I reached home, I threw my things onto the sofa and sank to the floor, curling into a tight ball. Pain pierced through my heart like arrows. But no one would ever understand how I felt. The floor was cold and hard, as I cried myself to sleep.


Author's note: Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Fan/Vote/Comment? :D This is my first time writing so feel free to leave any suggestions/feedback!

By the way, go check out AnnabelStanley's book 'I knew you before'! She has a really good writing style too. :)



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