Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Previously: He scratched the back of his neck uncertainly. "Um... sorry for knocking you down." Oh my gosh did he just apologise? Before I could even respond, he grinned at me and walked into class, leaving me standing stunned with my mouth hanging wide open at the doorway.


I stumbled into class half heartedly, earning a few laughs from the popular crowd. Slumping down into my seat, I started to zone out and barely realised that lessons had begun until I heard our algebra teacher Mr Grant's monotonous voice. The day had certainly not began as well as I had hoped. Just thinking about his hot face made me unable to concentrate on the lesson going on. Did I just think that? I never thought about boys that way. Besides, he was a jock, and a jerk at that. Just thinking about how he had me humiliated in front of the whole class made me want to punch that smirk off his hot face. Wait. Hot? Oh god what's wrong with me today?

"Miss Brown? Miss Brown, are you okay?"

Upon hearing my name being called, I looked up to see Mr Grant's wrinkled face peering closely at me. Damn, I had been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed him calling me!

"Um.. Yeah, I'm... I'm fine." I replied, trying desperately to find an excuse.

"Is that so? Then could you please explain to me why you didn't respond to my question? Were you... NOT PAYING ATTENTION? Go answer the questions on the whiteboard now!" Mr Grant boomed into my ear.

Shit. Mr Grant hated when people didn't pay attention to him during his lessons. Once, he even dragged one of the jocks out of class by the ear when he found him flirting with one of the girls in class. Not wanting to create further trouble for myself, I got up from my seat and gingerly walked to the whiteboard and gave the question on the whiteboard a once-over. Solving equations. Easy peasy. Although I hadn't been paying attention in class for practically the whole lesson, it was still considered easy for me, as I wrote down all the answers after doing quick mental calculations in my head. After I had finished all the equations on the board in less than 3 minutes, I walked briskly back to my seat, feeling everyone's eyes in the back of my head.

"Well, she got everything... Correct!" Mr Grant beamed at me, obviously pleased, which got the cheerleaders in the room scowling at me and calling me "teacher's pet". Of course, I was already used to such remarks. But what could I do about them? Sighing inwardly to myself, I silently counted the number of minutes left to lunch break. But no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't stop myself from thinking about how hot his face is. Oh no. I couldn't be having a crush on him. I'm not like his other play things, or should I say, sluts. But who was I to judge?

The bell rang and I let out a silent whoop of joy. It was finally lunch break. I packed my stuff slowly to avoid the popular people, who were always the ones leaving class first. After making sure that they had all left, I made my way to the door. As expected, I was the last one to leave the room again. Just as I was about to step out of the classroom, a tall figure whizzed past me, knocking me off balance, and I was left sitting on the floor, again.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" I shouted, anger boiling up inside of me. This was the second time it had happened today!

"Well maybe next time you should look up while walking!" he retorted. Raising my head to look at the offender, I was shocked and surprised to find that it was the same jock who had knocked me down earlier.

"Just my luck to have ran into a jerk like you!" I replied angrily, getting up, preparing to slam the door while fleeing the classroom.

"Oh it's you. Hey, I'm really sorry about that, I had to get something from my desk and was in a hurry. Oh by the way, nice save you had back there when Mr Grant asked the questions. I see your algebra's not bad." His face softened into a smile after realising that it was just me.

"Um yeah, I'm actually a nerd, if you forgot?" I answered, slightly taken aback by his sudden change of attitude. Boy, he sure did have mood swings.

"So um, I'm kinda looking for a tutor to help me in my algebra. You keen on that? You could earn a little extra bucks." Hmm. I did need the money actually. Why not?

"I'll think about it. See you later." With that, I made a dash out of the classroom to meet Lilia, my heart beating so fast I even thought it was gonna jump out of my throat. Unwanted thoughts were racing through my mind as I increased my speed, eager to get to Lilia. She would probably be able to take my mind off him. Yeah. Good. Sadly, I was wrong.


As soon as I reached Lilia, who was already waiting impatiently for me, she started throwing me all sorts of questions.

"Abby, is it true?" Lilia grabbed my arm, steering me towards the library. Her voice was hushed, staring at me intently. I gulped. I'll never get used to her intent stares.

"What's true?" I answered in the same hushed tones. Don't you get the feeling that when people speak in hushed tones, you must answer in whispers as well? Although you don't even know why you're whispering? Yeah, I got that weird feeling.

"That you talked to Nate Harrison! Nate Harrison the jock!" she hissed.

I blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice.

"I'm sorry?"

"And you guys even flirted!" She continued, her stare becoming accusing.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I raised my palms up. "No way. We didn't flirt," I laughed shakily. "Who told you that?"

"Everyone's talking about it!" She threw her hands in the air. "Abs! You just broke rule number SIX- you flirted with someone from the 'in' crowd! Do you know how close you are to being kicked out of the club now?"

She pressed the 'start' button on the printer, and the green light began blinking. For some odd reason, I just stared at the blinking green button for an awkward moment.

"Yeah, I know," I murmured. Don't I know it.

Lilia sighed. "Well, at least it isn't the big five rules you broke. Or even worse, the golden rule," she joked. "Wait- you are a virgin, aren't you?"

I froze.

She looked at me, dead in the eyes. I swallowed nervously. Did she know? Did she find out somehow? She knows doesn't she! I began panicking inside.

We looked at each other. I felt a bead of sweat roll down my forehead, even though we were in an air-conditioned room. I mentally prepared myself for Lilia's judging eyes, and 'I knew it'.

Then she laughed. "Got you, didn't I!" She laughed. I let out a breath of relief. I hadn't realised I'd been holding my breath.

"Yeah!" I pretended to giggle. That was scary.

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