Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Previously: After grabbing our belongings, we headed out the front of the nightclub to hail a cab. "Mom!" Kate turned to look at a teenage boy standing beside a red truck as a warm smile flickered across her face. A very familiar red truck. And a very familiar boy. "James! What brings you here?" Oh hell no.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't stand there like a fool, doing nothing but think "crap crap crap crap!" in my head. I stood there frozen, staring wide-eyed at the nearing boy who looked more than familiar. His eyes seemed to narrow as he took in my appearance, walking towards us in large strides.

I spun around, shaking. I had to hide my face, I thought desperately. All my efforts... Everything would be blown. And Nate, Brad, Rick, Chase, Ethan... They'd hate me forever. Especially Nate. He'd be disgusted with me. I'll bet he'd wipe his mouth furiously and regret ever kissing my STD-ridden lips. Not that I had STD, but that wasn't the point here!

"I'm sorry, Kate, but I really have to go," I rushed the words out of my mouth as I started running. Towards where, I had no idea. But all I knew was that I had to keep running. I vaguely heard Kate's surprised "Mia!" I continued sprinting down the pavement, my heart thumping and blood rushing through my head, making me dizzy. My thoughts were spiralling out of control. What would the guys think of me if they found out I was a stripper? They'd probably cut off all contact with me. Regret ever getting close to someone like me. I couldn't lose them. Not after they made me smile, time and again. Not after they managed to show me how to live my life, for myself, and not just for mom. Not after I fell in love with Nate. The world seemed to be moulding together, the sky and the ground becoming a mash of darks blue and brown and dirty green. The trees blended together with the buildings, becoming a wall, blocking me. I didn't realize how far I'd run until my legs gave in, and I fell to the floor into one ungraceful heap.

I panted heavily, and took a quick look behind. Nope, no James. What was I thinking, that he'd chase me all the way? What, was he a murderer? It was almost funny how crazily I ran, almost hyperventilating. I released my bag that I hadn't realized I was clutching so tightly that my knuckles had turned white.

This was going to drive me insane one day. Maybe I'll be sent to the asylum, I thought with a little smirk. Then my next thought completely wiped the smirk off.

Did James even see my face? I was pretty sure he at least got a good look at my face while I was standing there like a dummy, but did he recognise me? I let my head drop into my hands as I groaned.

Maybe he didn't see me clear enough. Maybe the thick make-up and wig made me unrecognisable. I know I looked way different when I was Mia the stripper, but there were those annoying little possibilities...

"Hey, you! Don't block the way!"

I looked up. The first thing I registered was a man's ugly, grumpy face. His eyes were so tiny they were almost two lines, and his chubby cheeks were red. Well, his entire face was red. His hair was balding and his teeth were yellow. Besides that, he was dressed nicely and holding a briefcase. A salesman, maybe? But how would he even sell anything with that angry face?

"What are you staring at? Are you nuts, woman? Get out of my way!" He shouted, barging past angrily, accidentally-- or purposely-- kicking me slightly.

I blinked, and glanced around. I noticed the curious, judging stares I was getting from passers-by and hurriedly got up. I was in a street, for goodness sake. What the hell am I doing? I clutched the coat tighter to my body, suddenly feeling awfully naked.

I got up from the ground and turned around to head back in the direction I came from, stumbling awkwardly in my broken heels.


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