chapter 36 {end pt.2}

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Eijirou woke up to the sound of crying. Must be Yuki, Eijirou thought as he yawned. He got up and made his way to his dresser that already had his school uniform on it. He put it on and walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth and do his hair. After that he walked into the room where the crying child was and saw his parents cradling him.

"Good morning Eiji!" Izuku said as he bent down and kissed his forehead.

"Mom stop doing that!!" Eijirou said as he lightly pushed him away being careful of the child in his arms, "I'm not a kid anymore mom!!"

Izuku laughed as Shoto kissed Eijirou's forehead just to make him mad.

"You look like your still a 1st year!" Shoto said with a smile, "Well when you were a first year you look like you were in 1st grade.."

"Shut up!!!" Eiji yelled as he pouted, "I at least got taller!"

Shoto laughed and said, "You have grow in the last 3 years.. but your still short."

Eijirou rolled his eyes as he said, "Whatever I'm going to school now."

He turned to the baby in Izuku's arms and kissed her forehead as a goodbye. and walked towards the door and put his shoes on.

"Don't forget about my graduation ceremony tomorrow!!" He yelled as he walked out the door.

He had a peaceful walk to school the cherry blossom trees were blooming. They made him think about him and about other things too. Like when his parents got married under cherry blossoms he couldn't help but hope that would be him and Katsuki one day. He wondered how Katsuki was doing and how much he had grown. He also remembered the promise they made 3 years ago.

"Meet me under those cherry blossom trees after you graduate." Bakugo whispered into Eijirou's ear then ran off.

Eijirou let out a sigh as he looked up at the sky. He doubted Bakugo would come but he still had hope. Thinking about Bakugo made him tear up a bit. He quickly snapped out of it and wiped his tears as he got to the front gates.

"Yo Kiri!" Tetsu called out, "oh I guess I should call you Todoroki now."

"Yea you idiot!" Eijirou said as he slapped the back of Tetsu head, "I told you not to call me that anymore!!"

"I know I just keep forgetting! I'm sorry!" Tetsu apologized, "but anyways are you ready to graduate?"

"Yea." Eijirou said, "I'm ready to get the fuck out of this dumbass school."

"Ha same." Tetsu said as the bell rang, "ah well I got to go to class see you at lunch!"

"Ok bye!" Eijirou waved as Tetsu ran off.

He walked to his class. During the past 3 years Eijirou finally started to defend himself and soon after people lost interest in him. Expect for the occasional weird looks. Like now.

When Eijirou walked into the room the delinquent kid in the back of the class gave him a weird look. Eijirou gave him a smile as he walked over to him.

"Sweetie is there something wrong?" He asked sweetly as he sat on his desk as people looked at them.

"Who the fuck are you calling 'sweetie'?!" He glared while Eijirou got close to him.

"Y-you mean you don't remember last night?" Eijirou asked as he "blushed".

"Wh-what are you gay?!" The guy panicked then Eijirou started to laugh.

"No way are you actually interested?" He said as he got up, "I mean if you are you could come over later."

"Wh-What?!" The guy blushed as he cover the very noticeable bulge in his pants.

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