Chapter 34

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Bad news guys... I'm quiting the fandom... but don't worry. I'll be completely done when I finish this book and I'm Sorry I'm an Omega. Also sorry for the delay!!! Theirs been a lot of school work lately. I hope you guys understand. Also I once I'm completely done with Sorry I'm an Omega and I Fell in Love With a Villan I will be putting the other fanfics on hold. Unless my mood changes... well that all... enjoy the story :) (also I was too lazy to find a pic for this chapter sorry)

Word count: 1769

~Last chapter~

They share one last kiss before going to sleep. But they didn't know that they wouldn't see each other when they woke up.


So umm... I just realized the typo that I made... it says "they would never see each other again" but it's supposed to say "they wouldn't see each other when they wake up" now I did that as a joke and sent it to my friend who also reads this and I forgot to change it. But I did so don't worry. I'm so sorryyyyyyyy!!!! Anyways... onto the story.

~Third POV~

Kirishima woke up in a hospital room. He looked around and saw a doctor talking to someone. He was still drowsy and couldn't see that well. He looked around some more and saw a certain blonde holding his as he was looking at the floor.

"" Kirishima said half asleep.

Bakugo looked up quickly as he gasped, "EIJIROU?!"

Bakugo got out of his seat and hugged Kirishima lightly.

"Thank god your ok..." Bakugo said as a single tear ran down his face.

"K-Katsuki.." Kirishima started to cry.

"Bakugo." Todoroki said coldly.

Kirishima turned his head to see Izuku and Todoroki standing next to a doctor.

"Todoroki... Midoriya," Kirishima said with a weak smile.

Todoroki gave Kirishima a soft smile then looked at Bakugo and his face hardened into a glare. It was if he was signaling Bakugo to get out. Bakugo let out a sigh then crouched down to Kirishima.

He grabbed Kirishima's hand as he said, "..Kirishima... I-" he took a deep breath then continued, "I can't see you anymore.."

That single sentence woke Kirishima up completely.

"W-what do you mean...?" Kirishima said as he tried to get up.

"Don't strain yourself!" Bakugo said as he tried to put Kirishima back down.

"What do you mean?!" Kirishima asked again.

"I have something's to do so.." Bakugo started, "I can't see you for awhile... we actually found Denki and we have a couple 'things' to do before we can officially retire.."

"When will I see you again?" Kirishima asked as he held back tears.

Bakugo paused before looking up and Todoroki, Izuku, and the doctor and signaled them to get out. Izuku and the doctor nodded and left the room with Todoroki who wasn't very willing.

I Fell in Love With a Villain (Bakushima AU)Where stories live. Discover now