Chapter 17

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Oml best pic I've seen in awhile! ÙwÚ. Also I will sue u. And sorry this took awhile to post.


~Last time~

I gasped then walked towards him. I didn't know where we were going so I just assumed we were going to class. After that it was a normal day without the bulling. I was starting to think that Tetsutetsu wasn't a bad guy after all.

~now Kiri's POV~

After school Tetsutetsu invited me to his house.

"Wh-why," I asked as I looked down, "I thought you hated me."

"I used to," he said, "but I want to make it up to you."

I nodded as I kept walking with him. I got out my phone to text Todoroki and Izuku to tell them that I was with a friend. I put my phone away and kept following Tetsutetsu.

"T-Tetsutetsu," I asked as he looked at me.

"Just call me Tetsu," he said.

"Ok," I said.

It was silent until I said, "thank you."

"For what," he asked.

"You saved me," I said as I smiled, "that was very manly!"

"No problem," he said with a smile, and pated my head.

We kept walking for awhile until we were at the front of his house. He led me inside his house then we went into his room.

"Do you like video games," he asked as he looked inside his closet.

"Umm, I've never played one," I said as I sat on his bed.

He looked at me as he said, "you really are a loser."

"Wh-What," I asked.

"Never mind," he said as he grabbed something that looked like a CD cover with a design on it, "let's play this."

"O-ok," I agreed as nodded.

He walked over to his TV and took a CD out of the case. He put the CD in a black box and turned on the TV. He handed me a weird looking control then sat down next to me. I looked at the TV and the title screen said.. uhh mine...craft? What the heck's a Minecraft?

"Um what is this," I asked him.

"Umm the best video game ever," he like I was an idiot.

"Oh," I said as I looked at the screen, "you should play first."

I gave Tetsu the controller and he started to play.

I sat their and watched. It looked like a pretty fun game, and I wanted to play, but I didn't know how to play. So I stayed quiet.

"Hey watch me," he said as he pointed to the controller (this is on a ps4 btw), "you press the X and you jump. Press the O you drop or throw stuff in your hot bar the square for the crafting menu, and triangle to open you inventory."

I Fell in Love With a Villain (Bakushima AU)Where stories live. Discover now