Chapter 4 (changed)

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Word count: 1955

~last time~

He pulled Kirishima into a hug. Bakugo took off his shoes and repositioned him and Kiri. Bakugo was agents the wall and placed Kirishima on his lap. Kiri wrapped his arms around Bakugo's neck, and put his face into Bakugo's neck. Kirishima yawned then fell asleep as Bakugo smiled a little then pulled Kirishima closer than he already was. After that he fell asleep.

~Now Bakugo's POV~

I woke up with the brat on my chest. I heard footsteps from outside the door. I kissed him on the head then jumped out the window. I hid by the window and listened to what was happening.

"Kirishima." A soft voice called out, "get up, it's almost time for you to go!"

"G-go where?" The brat asked.

"School!" The soft voice said, "here I got your uniform."

"Ok thanks Madoriya!" The brat said.

I heard the door, so I peaked my head around the corner to see if that damn Deku was gone. He was so I hoped in the the window. The kid looked up at me and smiled.

"Good morning Bakugo!" He greeted.

"Morning." I said as I looked away, "when schools over meet me at the gates. I want to take you somewhere!"

The kid looked at me in confusion but nodded anyways.

"Do you know when school ends?" He asked.

"No." I said.

"It ends at 3:30." He said.

"Ok." I said, "well I'll leave you. Bye!"

"Bye~!" He said as I jumped out the window.

~Kirishima POV after he was done getting ready~

I had breakfast then told them I would be home late tonight. Then Todoroki and Izuku took me to school.

"Thanks for the ride!" I yelled as I got out the car, "bye!"

"Bye!!" Izuku yelled.

"Don't be out too late!" Todoroki yelled.

I nodded then walked into the school. I was greeted with a push into the lockers. I winched in pain. I looked at who it was. It was Monoma and Tetsutetsu.

"Good morning Kirishima!" He said with a creepy laugh.

"G-Good m-m-morning.." I said with a shaky voice.

Monoma grabbed me by the caller and glared at me with that same creepy smile.

"Ya know, your voice pisses me off!" He yelled, "Why don't we silence you for good? Ya?"

I shook violently obviously sacred. I missed Bakugo. I wanted to hug him as tight as I could. I imagined last night and the comfortable atmosphere. I almost could feel the warmth from here. I was snapped back to reality with a hard punch to the throat. My knees bucked and I fell to the floor coughing my lungs out.

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