Chapter 25

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Y'all asked for this so... FINALLY ANOTHER CHAPTER!! Also I reread all the chapters and I've decided to not end it early bc they so damn cuteee {also follow my insta @cats.r.cute98 for cute cat pics of my kitty Levi ÚwÙ} also it took me all my might to not cry while writing some of this... oh y'all think I'm joking. Just read and you'll understand.{and as promised it's extra long ÙwÚ}

Word count: 3426

~Last Chapter~

"Alright let's go," I say, "but we'll need some help."
"From who," Dabi asked.
"Who do you think?" I say.
"You couldn't mean them could you?" Sero asked as I looked at him with the 'oh hell yeah' face, "sir! With all do respect, you can't possibly think that they will help!"
"I already have an idea," I say, "so don't worry."

~Two days later~

Third POV 10:35AM_________________

Kirishima was about to fall asleep when he got a text.

Tetsu 💪🏼:

Hey you haven't been at school for the past 3 days. Everything ok?
Kiri 🦈:

Yea everything's ok. Sorry I'll explain tomorrow. I'll try to convince Bakugo to let me come to school. (╥﹏╥)
Tetsu 💪🏼:

Wdym convince??
Kiri 🦈:

It's hard to explain over text. Sorry I'll explain tomorrow when I'm not tired😅.

Tetsu 💪🏼:

Ok. Sorry to keep you up. Good night 😴.
Kiri 🦈:

It's ok 🤗! Good night 💤 😴.

Kirishima set a timer for 6:30 am then slowly drifted to sleep.

The next morning @ 6:30 AM________

Kirishima woke up and turned his alarm off but before he could get up Bakugo grabbed him by the waists.

"Where are you going?" Bakugo asked still half asleep.

"School." Kirishima said, "can you let go? I can't move."

"What!?" Bakugo asked as he suddenly sat up and pulled Kirishima into a tight hug, "no your not!"

"But I want to," Kirishima said.

"Kirishima your carrying my child!" Bakugo said, "your not going anywhere."

"Please Bakugo!" Kirishima begged, "I can't stay here forever!"

Bakugo sighed as he said, "hurry up and get ready. Since your gonna go to school today you wouldn't want to be late today."

Kirishima smiles cutely and says, "yay! Thank you~"

Bakugo let go of Kirishima then gave him a kiss. Then Kirishima went to the bathroom and opened a draw up that contained red hair dye.

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