Chapter 1 (changed a little bit)

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Kirishima was waking home after a long day of hell, when he ran into some of his "friends": Neito Monoma, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, and Juzo Honenuki.

"Were do you think your going with out saying goodbye to us?~" Monoma asked with his devious smile, "hmm~".

Kirishima looked down not daring to look him in the eyes. He stood still not making a sound. Monoma grabbed Kirishima's cheeks making him look up as his face squished up.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Monoma yelled as Tetsutetsu and Honenuki laughted.

Kirishima nodded slowly with a little 'ok'. Monoma snickered and pulled his fist back and swag at Kirishima's face. Kirishima flinched as the first punch hit his face. Honenuki and Tetsutetsu took him by the arms as Monoma hit him. After the 6th punch Kirishima kicked Monoma in the balls then did the same to the other two. Kirishima ran the opposite direction from them not caring were he was going. He just wanted to get away from them. Kirishima kept running as he heard Monoma yelling at him.

"You little shit!" Monoma yelled, "I'll kill you!"

Kirishima kept running away from them. But since his stamina sucked and he was short it didn't take long for Monoma, Honenuki and Tetsu caught up to him. Kirishima pushes himself hoping he would lose them. Lucky him he found a dark ally way and ran into it. He hid behind a trash can as they looked for him. Kirishima prayed that they couldn't find him. After about 10 minutes they decided Kiri wasn't worth it and left. He let out a small sigh of relief and got out from behind the trash can.

Kirishima went the opposite direction from where he came from and ended up wandering into a place with a bunch of people smoking and doing drugs.

'O-oh no!' Kirishima thought as he quickly put on the black jacket that was around his waist and put the hoodie around his bruised face. He knew exactly where he was. He was on "The Bad Side of Tokyo". He wandered around some more trying to find a way out of this place.

Kirishima kept his head down trying not to make eye contact with anyone. As he kept his head down he ran into a guy with a dark purple mask that covered his mouth and a black short sleeve shirt. His eyes were light blue and, he had a tall muscular body with stitches everywhere. It was hard to tell his hair color since it was so dark but it was definitely black.

"Hey." He said in a creepy that sent shivers down Kirishima's spine. "Who are you and what are you doing here kid?"

The man had two more people behind him. One guy had a white hand covering his whole face and a wrinkled body that looked burnt. His hair was a light blue color and he had a navy blue long sleeve and plain jeans. Other guy or girl had two blond buns on each side of her head that were messy and done with no effort. She wore tan sweater and blue skirt and had a navy blue mask with what looked like fangs on it. She had a crazy look in her hazel eyes. The girl looked at Kirishima and he flinched.

"Aww~" She fangirled. "Look how cute he is~"

She reached for Kirishima and he flinched. She was about to touch his face but the man with stitches grabbed her hand.

"Stop." he commanded.

"But Dabi~" She wined.

"I-I Umm I need to g-get ho-me." Kirishima stuttered.

All three of them glared at him and Kiri flinched. He feel his heart speed up. Kirishima's lungs tightened. 'If I act brave then maybe they'll help me?' Kirishima asked himself. (Ya see Kiri maybe smart but he doesn't think thing threw when he panics soooo yeeeaaa) Kirishima took a deep breath in and glared back at the three. The girl giggled at his actions while the two men scowled but Kirishima didn't back down.

I Fell in Love With a Villain (Bakushima AU)Where stories live. Discover now