Chapter 2 (changed)

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Word count: 2506

~~Last chapter~~

Kirishima had passed out. Bakugo cursed under his breath as he picked Kirishima up. He walked out the door then yelled for Dabi.
"What?" Dabi said as he looked as the half naked kid in his arms, "Umm why is their a half naked kid in you arms?"
After Dabi stared at them for awhile he yelled, "DID YOU RAPE HIM!?"
"God no!" Bakugo yelled back, "his dad did."
"What!" Dabi yelled then covered his mouth in surprise, "Holly shit that's even worse."
"We don't have time for this lets go back." Bakugo said.
Dabi sighed then followed his boss.


Bakugo snuck back into the Yakuza base.

"I'm going to change then take this kid to the police station." Bakugo told Dabi.

"But were wanted wouldn't they notice use?" Dabi asked.

"Yea that's why I'm gonna change!" Bakugo said like Dabi was stupid.

"I'm going with you." Dabi said.

"No." Bakugo said coldly.

"What would would you do if you get caught?" Dabi asked.

"I would kill who ever caught me." Bakugo laughed.

Dabi rolled his eyes then "ok'd" Bakugo and walked off. Bakugo set the sleeping kid on the floor and got dressed. He wore plain black pants and a black hoodie along with a black mask. He put one of his sweatshirts on the kid. The sweatshirt went past his thighs since Bakugo was twice Kirishima's size. Bakugo put the hood over Kirishima's head then picked him up. They got to the police station and Bakugo woke Kirishima up.

"W-Who are you?" Kirishima asked sheepishly.

Bakugo examined Kirishima. He looked so tired.

"Katuki Bakugo." Bakugo said, "I saved you from your pedo dad."

"O-oh." Kirishima stuttered, "where are we?"

"At the police station." Bakugo said.

"Can you put me down?" Kirishima asked.

"Sure." Bakugo said as he put Kirishima down. Kirishima stumbled and tried to catch his balance. It didn't work out and he fell. Bakugo caught him before Kiri could hit the floor. "Do need help?"

Kirishima nodded and he leaned on Bakugo. Bakugo put him on his back like his was giving him a piggyback ride. They walked into the police station. When they got to the front counter they saw a man with red and white hair and another very plain looking man with green hair.

"Oi." Bakugo said to get their attention, "help this brat you damn extras."

He's so mean. Kirishima thought.

The man with the red and white hair looked at Bakugo's covered up face then at Kirishima. The man with green hair looked at them both and took mental pictures of them both.

"What do you need help with sir?" The man with the white and red hair said plainly.

"He got raped by his father." Bakugo said and Kirishima looked down like he was ashamed of himself.

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