Chapter 31

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Word Count: 1965

Sory bois i was grounded but im back ya fucking bitches sorry did i get meaner well anyways enjoy this shitty ass storryyyy!!!!

~Last time~

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled at me and punched me, "god you're annoying. Don't make me kill you."
He grabbed my hair and dragged me to the room that I woke in. He started punching me until I passed out.

~Now Bakugo's POV~

We rushed into the hospital and of course I ran to the head nurse Suga. I grabbed him by the collar and raised my fist. I was ready to fight this fucking idiot but then Daichi punched me.

"Don't fucking hurt him!" He yelled as he put his fists up ready to fight.

I let out a low chuckle then put my fists up too as I said, "you think you can win against me?! I was apart of a gang!"

"KATSUKI!!" Eijirou yelled, "don't just result to violence! Let them explain!"

I let out a "tch" then lowered my fist and so did Ditchi.

"You better fucking explain before I fuckin kill you!" I yelled then Suga sighed.

"Bakugo I'm so sorry..." Suga had a sad expression on his face but I could care less, "I swear we were about to take him away but we just needed to make a few preparations. But when we came back he was gone! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!!"

Suga held back his tears as Daichi put his hand on his shoulder.

"HOW THE FUCK DO YOU LOSE A WHOLE ASS BODY?!" Sero yelled. He was obviously more pissed off then any of us, "YOU THINK 'SORRY'S GONNA CUT IT?! YOU BETTER FIND HIM OR I'LL FUCKIN KILL YOU!!"

"ALRIGHT THATS ENOUGH!" Daichi yelled, "enough with the death threats! This is a hospital for crying out loud! You can't just waltz in here to pick a damn fight! So let's all calm down and talk about this after our sifts."


"Our shift ends after this surgery!" Daichi said, "so calm your ass down! I'm not about to let a little girl with cancer die right now. I'm sorry but our hands our tied."

They left into the emergency room. Me and Sero were about to follow them but Eijirou and Mina stopped us.

"Let's listen to them." Mina said.

"Yea." Eijirou agreed, "we can wait one surgery. I'm sure his body is fine. And besides maybe he woke up and left looking for you Sero."

Sero's eyes widened and he started to tear up at the thought.

"Hey you shouldn't give him false hope!" I whisper to Eijirou.

"It's not." Eijirou said as he smiled, "their could of been a malfunction or something. Maybe he actually woke up and went looking for us!"

Eijirou looked really excited. But it was hard to believe. We all saw his face. It was the face of death that we all knew too well. Well maybe Eijirou didn't know that look witch is a good thing. But the rest of us did. Or maybe I'm the only one who doesn't believe that Denki could be alive.

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