Chapter 7

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Word Count: 1064

~~Last time~~
(Bakugo's POV)

"This must be the kid you where talking about," Tomura said, "he looks really weak, are you sure this will work?"
"Yes I'm sure," I said as I took off my hat, sunglasses, and mask.
"It will work because he's weak," Dabi said, "they'll never guess that he's a fake hostage."
"Exactly," I say.
"Where'd you find him," Tomura asked.
"I didn't," I say, "you guys are the ones who brought him too me. Idiots."
"U-Umm," The kid stuttered, "what do you want me for?"
"Oh right," I said, "listen closely..."

~~an hour later~~
(Third Person)

Kirishima was sitting on Bakugo's bed and Bakugo was in the bathroom. When Bakugo got out Kiri was staring off into space. He was thinking about the plan and other things like anime and yoai. Bakugo realized the kid was spaced out and snapped him out of it.

"Oi kid," Bakugo yelled as Kiri flinched, "What the hell are you thinking about?"

"U-Umm," Kiri blushed, "n-n-nothing!"

"Lair," Bakugo said as he sat down next to him, "when does Todoroki want you home?"

"Around 7," Kirishima said.

Bakugo checked the time and it read 4:17.

"We have time," Bakugo faced Kirishima and grabbed his chin, "Hey, Kir-"

Bakugo got cut off by his phone ringing. He let go of Kirishima'a face and walked towards the door while Kiri was just siting their. Very very confused.

"I need to take this," Bakugo said.

Bakugo walked out the door then Kirishima exploded with blushed. 'WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?!?' Kirishima asked himself, 'WAS HE ABOUT TO CALL MY NAME!?!? IM SOOOO CONFUSED! But that was pretty hot...'

"Hey," Bakugo said, "what's up?"

"Now's the time to attack," the boss said.

"Now," Bakugo asked, "like right now?"

"Yes," he said.

"Ok I'll gather everyone." Bakugo said then hung up.

He walked in the room and saw Kirishima still spaced out.

"Oi Kid," Bakugo yelled as Kiri looked up, "I need to do something really important. So I need you to go home."

"B-but," Kirishima didn't get to finish his sentence.

"Look it's really important," Bakugo said harshly.

"O-ok," Kiri said.

Bakugo felt bad for kicking him out but he had to. But Kiri's face made him want to stay with him. Kirishima walked out the door.

"Wait," Bakugo said as he ran walked towards the kid and hugged him, "I'm sorry... it's really important, ok?"

"Ok," Kirishima hugged back, "you should get going then."

Bakugo let go of Kirishima then walked out the door. Kiri waved good bye then Bakugo ran off leaving Kirishima alone. Just as Kirishima left the building he got a text from Todoroki.

'Sorry Kiri! But I need you home right now!' Todoroki 🔥❄️

'Ok.' Kirshima🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Kirishima walked home and opened the door.

"I'm home," Kiri said as he took his shoes off.

"Hey Kirishima," Izuku said I'm a hurry.

"Sorry Kiri But we have an important job we need to do," Todoroki said as he got the car keys, "we'll be going! And don't open the door for anyone you don't know!"

Kirishima waved as they walked out the door. Kiri looked threw the peep hole and saw them opening their trunk. He opened the door and quickly and quietly got into the backseat. He saw that their was a blanket so he hid underneath it. The he realized he left his shoes in the house. But before he could think about it anymore Todoroki got into the driver seat and Izuku got into the car also.

"You got the details right," Izuku asked.

"Yeah," Todoroki answered, "it's Bakugo."

Izuku looked grim and Todoroki was worried. Kiri was also concerned and scared. Scared that he might get caught in the back of the car and concerned that someone could get hurt or worse.

"Maybe you should sit this one out," Todoroki said.

"N-no," Izuku said, "I can't."

Todoroki hesitated, "ok."

He turned on the sirens and the lights. They rushed to wherever they were going to attack. When the car stopped and Kiri heard both doors where opened then closed he took the blanket off him and looked out the window.

He saw that Bakugo Tomura and Dabi were getting threatened by guns. While the other guys hid behind trees. Kiri was guessing that they where ordered to do that.

"Nobody move," on guy yelled, "you move we shoot!"

Tomura moved his right foot slightly and one of them shot the tree near him.

"That was you one and only warning," the same guy yelled, "you move again then I'll kill you!"

Kiri put his hand on the door handle. He was ready to open the door at any minute.

"Now, get on you knees and put you hands behind you head slowly," the guys said.

They didn't move and Kiri looked at the guy who was saying all the orders. It looked like he signaled all of them to shoot. They loaded their guns and aimed. But before they shot their gun Kirishima burst out of the car.

"WAAIT," Kiri yelled as he ran towards Bakugo.

Everyone looked surprised and confused. But before Kiri had reached Bakugo, he turned halfway and was about to face the police. But Kirishima tripped over a rock and fell face first. Bakugo looked at Kirishima like "really bitch? Really?"

"Kirishima," Todoroki and Izuku yelled at the same time.

"You move I shoot him," Bakugo said as he points his gun at Kirishima.

"You wouldn't," Izuku said.

Kirishima was within arms length to Bakugo.

"Do you trust me," Bakugo whispered loud enough so Kiri could hear.

Kiri nodded his head. Bakugo shot the gun and the bullet landed an inch away from Kiri. Izuku glared and so did Todoroki.

"Warning shot," Bakugo said as he picked Kiri up.

Bakugo put arm around Kiri's neck then safety back on the gun. He put the gun to Kiri's head. Dabi and Tomura looked at Bakugo.

"Don't worry," he whispered more to Kiri, "I have the safety on."

Kirishima was scared. He made himself because he was a horrible actor. He actually started to cry and he didn't even know why. Then he felt blood run out of his nose and realized how much his nose hurts. Kiri put his hands on Bakugo's arms and squeeze because of the pain. He held back a whimper and Bakugo, Tomura, and Dabi noticed it.

"Bakugo," Dabi said.

"I know," Bakugo said.

"Bakugo let him go," Izuku yelled, "cant you see he's injured!?"

"Dose it look like I care," Bakugo yelled back.

Those words hurt Kirishima even more than his nose.

"K-kacchan," Izuku said, "please!"

Bakugo's eyes widened and Todoroki was pissed. Todoroki pointed the gun at Bakugo.

"Todoroki no," Izuku said as he grabbed Todoroki's arm.

Bakugo let out a chuckle, "It's been awhile since I heard you say that... DEKU!"

Meanwhile... the extras, "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!?!?!?!?*confused screeching*"


I Fell in Love With a Villain (Bakushima AU)Where stories live. Discover now