Chapter 6

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Word count: 1676

~~Last time~~

Todoroki put Kiri on the bed then covered him with the blanket. He let out a small smile then lightly ruffled Kiri's hair. He walked to the door then looked at the sleeping boy. He had drool coming out the side of his mouth and his hair was a mess. Todoroki smiles then lightly shut the door then walked back to his room then went to sleep.

~~In the morning
Kirishima's POV~~

When Todoroki woke me up it was 6:30. I got dressed for the day and went down stares to eat. When I walked into the kitchen I was greeted by the smell of eggs and toast. I looked at Izuku cooking with a pink apron and Todoroki was reading the new paper while eating a peace of toast.

"Hey Kiri," Izuku said sweetly, "I'm making eggs and toast, how do you like you eggs?"

"Umm," I paused, "with... the yolk?"

Izuku laughed, "so over medium or hard boiled?"

"Umm...," I paused once again, "the one when it's runny?"

"Ok," Izuku said as he continued cooking.

"Babe," Todoroki asked, "can you do that egg sandwich you did last time?"

"Of coarse," Izuku said, "Kirishima can you look for the jam? It should be in the fridge."

"Ok," I said as I opened the fridge.

I looked at the shelf and saw two types of jam witch where, strawberry and blueberry.

"Witch jam," I asked.

"Strawberry," Todoroki answered.

I grabbed the strawberry jam and set it on the table beside Izuku. He nodded as a thank you and continued to cook. About two minutes later he was done with my eggs.

"Kiri, your foods ready," Izuku said.

"Ok thank you," I said as I took the plate with the eggs and toast.

Izuku turned off the oven and took off his apron. He pit the plate with the egg sandwich in one hand and his egg in the other. We all sat down and ate.

Their where little conversations about their work and how school was going. Of coarse I lied about school. I told them that I had a few friends that treat me well. They didn't pry anymore then they thought was needed. But the next topic almost made me spit out my drink.

"So Kiri," Todoroki said, "about this boy who took you home?"

I almost fell off my chair. 'D-did Bakugo carry me home!?!?'

"Oh~," Izuku said, "is it this Bakushima you where talking about the other night?"

"I-I-I d-don't know what you talking about," I stuttered.

"So his names Bakushima," Todoroki asked, "Thats an unusual name."

"W-would you look at the time," I said ass I point to the clock on the microwave, "if we don't hurry We'll be late!"

They both look at the time.

"Oh we should get going," Izuku said as he collected the plates and put them in the dishwasher.

Todoroki took his coat and bag, then the car keys.

"I'm driving," Todoroki yelled.

"No fair," Izuku yelled back, "you drove last time!"

I Fell in Love With a Villain (Bakushima AU)Where stories live. Discover now