Chapter 35 {end pt 1}

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Hey y'all this is like part one of the end so the next part would actually be the ending. Also the very last chapter won't take long I promise. i was also too lazy to edit it so correct my grammar for me plz

Word count: 3655

~Last time~

"I-..." I trailed off but continued shortly after, "I know I'm stupid and I can't do anything right. I also can't tell the difference between love as a friend and love as in... well more than a friend.. But I can tell you one thing.. I don't want to leave Yama behind. I love you both more than anything else. So... I have to see him again. I'm sorry Sero..."

Sero hesitated before saying, "I love you with all my heart... and I would hate to see you leave me, but I don't want to see you get hurt either. So I will help you. And whoever you choose I will respect your decision."I smiled and hugged Sero. He looked at me and went in for a kiss but I stopped him."Not until I know for sure!" I said as he nodded."Well..." Sero said, "Let's go find Yama."


It's been months since Yama disappeared. Denki and Sero were so close to finding him. They narrowed to the places he might be to 2. They gathered their things and and went to one of the places. The first place was a abandoned barn out in the country. They've been watching the barn for a week and saw a person who is about the same height and body type as Yama coming in and out of the barn a couple times. They thought it was about time to confront him so they snuck into the barn and the place seemed not so abandoned on the inside. There was barely any dust. Inside was pretty empty except for the old looking bed in the corner and the bag full of water and food and the one full of clothes right next to it. 

Denki walked over to the bed and examined it. their were sheets and blankets and other things you would find on beds. It was obvious that someone lived their and Denki was hoping it was Yama. It looked like no one was there at the moment so Denki and Sero decided to wait for someone to come.

About 20 minutes later Denki hear someone open the door. His head quickly jerked up to see who it was. He got off the floor and quickly ran towards that person to get a better look.

"Y-yama..?" Denki asked.

"How did you find me?.." Yama asked as he backed up.

Denki hugged Yama tight as he said, "Why would you leave me like that?! Do you know how worried I was?!"

"I-I'm sorry.." Yama said as he pulled away, "I did it for your own good. It's not safe around me.. all I do is get you into trouble no matter where I go Overhaul will always be looking for me.. I can't escape him."

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT" Denki yelled, "I'll kill him if he comes near you. I'll help you escape him so please don't leave me... I need you.."

Yama thought for a bit then sighed, "Denki.. I.."

He looked at Denki and he made the most cutest begging face that Yama couldn't say no to.

"Fine.." He sighed as Denki cheered and hugged Yama tight.

"The three of us can buy a cabin in the mountains!" Denki said with excitement, "I've always wanted to live in the mountains!!"

"The three of us?" Yama asked, "There's another person coming with us?"

I Fell in Love With a Villain (Bakushima AU)Where stories live. Discover now