Chapter 9

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~last time~

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP," I yelled.
They got up and Bakugo protected the kid. He put the kid behind him and put his hands up.
"Go away round face," Bakugo yelled as he glared.

~now Uraraka's POV~

"OH HELL NO! Kid can you cover your ears," Bakugo said as he pulled a gun on me then the kid plugged his ears, "FUCK YOU! YOUR HIGH AS FUCK IF THINK IM LETTING YOU ARREST THIS KID! ILL BLOW YOUR GOD DAMN BRAINS OUT OF YOU EVEN TUCH HIM!"

(OHHHH SHIT!!! A RAT!!{I'm so sorry})

"B-bakugo," the kid said, "I'm sor-"


"NO YOU," Bakugo yelled back.

"Give me the hostage and I'll let you go," I say trying to remain calm.

"NO," Bakugo yelled like I was idiot, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE ON!?"

At this point I was really mad and turned off my safety. I was about to pull the trigger but thank god the kid got in front of him. I shot him in the right shoulder, but it wasn't my fault. He started screaming in pain and then collapsed. Again not my fault It's the kids own fault. But I'm greatful I didn't hurt Bakugo.

I was snapped back into reality when I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I looked at it and saw that their was a bluet logged into my arm. I held my arm and screamed in pain.

Thank god Izuku and Todoroki came in.

"URARAKA," they both yelled.

"Bakugo shot me and the k-k-kid," I half lied.

"What," Izuku said, "but why was I wrong?"

"See I told you," Todoroki said.


"Wh-What w-why," I asked confused.

"BECAUSE I FUC-," Bakugo got cut off.

"B-bakugo," the kid said as he grunted in pain, "do-don't hurt anyone, please."

"Kirishima don't strain yourself," Bakugo said softly.

"Wh-why are you so nice to him," I asked, "he's a guy!"

"What's wrong with two men loving each other," Todoroki and Izuku asked at the same time.

"Nothing but when it's Bakugo," I say then grunted in pain, "c-can we go to the hospital?"

"Yes," Todoroki said, "Bakugo where taking Kirishima to the hospital."

"IM NOT LEAVING HIM," Bakugo yelled pissed off.

"Ugh, we'll call a truce for now," Todoroki said as he helped me up without hurting me.

"Kaachan do you have your mask," Izuku asked.

"Yes," Bakugo says.

~Bakugo's POV~

This bitch almost fucking killed Kirishima!! AND YES I JUST USED HIS NAME!! SUCK IT!! But it's Good thing Todoroki called a temporary truce because I refuse to let that kid out of my sight.

"Come on," Todoroki said harshly.

I picked up the kid carefully and he groaned in pain.

"Are you ok," I asked him.

I Fell in Love With a Villain (Bakushima AU)Where stories live. Discover now