Chapter 11: Something Isn't Right!

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I really wanted to punch Zander. She was enjoying herself and us but stopped for him when she didn't have to. And he throws it in her face like she can control how she feels. The bond is getting stronger, I'm surprised and thankful she's not fallen pregnant already. Considering the amount of times we jump her. And with people still after her!

But what she calls insatiable, I call mated. You'd think it would calm down once fully mated but no, it seems to get stronger. It's not just her either were all feeling it. We can't keep our hands off her but we don't want to freak her out with it, so have let her control it, mostly.

When she said stop, I could see the others getting frustrated. Dravon and Blake were straight on her, so busy with lust clogging their brains, that they didn't notice the look of self-loathing cross her face when she looked at Zander. Not even he noticed or im sure he wouldn't have reacted the way he did. That's why I made a comment and pretty much told the guys to fuck off and leave her with Zander. 

Then to hear the way he said what he did to her, I felt the figurative knife he stabbed in her heart. But she felt she deserved it so took it and followed him. When he closed the link to ignore her, the shock and hurt when he slamed the door in her face. I was on my feet ready to go see her but stopped when she was still being insistent with him, banging on his door. Then he tells her to find one of us, and to leave him alone. I felt the uncertainty and confusion. I could tell she was thinking maybe wanting us all was wrong. 

When she gives up and goes down the stairs, I'm desperate to go after her but she's sending vibes of wanting to be alone. I decide to give Zander a piece of my mind.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? There was no need for any of that. You know full well the bond is getting stronger and she doesn't even understand it. Your making her think its wrong to want us!"

"Oh fuck you Caleb, we can't treat her like a delicate flower forever. She totally forgot about me. Too busy wanting to fuck the rest of you, I had every right to be angry. And I'm going to start reacting and treating her like I would if she was any other girl."

"But she's not any other girl Zander. Shes your mate. She feels bad enough and didn't do anything wrong. This isn't a normal circumstance, none of us can really blame her for how she feels or reacts. Noone else has been through this so just calm down. Think about it and give her a little time but go apologise. Otherwise you'll be waiting longer for your mating!" I stress, he's making me angry. I'll go down and check on her soon.

"Don't tell me what to do or how to feel Caleb. You'd feel the exact same fuckjng way if it was you she hadn't mated. So dont act all high and mighty. Just leave me alone!"

I feel him shut the link of to me too, he is such a fucking dick. I make my way out of my room and down the stairs but when I hear mermering I stop. She must be sitting with someone already. But I can't tell who.

"Who's sitting with Kylie? Is she OK?" I enquire 

"Not me" from Keelan
"Nope, dunno" thats Blake
"Has to be Dravon then as its not me" Sebastian says
"I'm not with her, Caleb go see who the fuck she's with!" Dravon explodes

"She would call for one of us if she was in trouble. She's only on the steps, I'll wait here for her incase she needs me. Why don't you all try get some sleep? It's getting late. We do have her training and more work on the sentry's territory tomorrow."

"What about Zander? He's blocking us all now! I don't get why he's putting all the blame on her either. We're the ones that were all over her. So why aren't we getting the 3rd degree?"

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