Chapter 30: Logan Don't

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Caleb does this wierd spell, which entails slicing my palm open with a beautiful silver dagger, with smooth black leather wrapping the hilt and different coloured jewels pressed into it. Then using a similar looking chalice he starts mixing all their blood together. Using the tip of the dagger he starts drawing a symbol over the cut on my palm. Then he tells me to hold still and recites, while waving his hand around mine

"image link mentibus eorum et cogitationes eius audire." His magic wraps around my hands and then all the blood sort of sucks into my palm and seals closed, along with Calebs magic. It's kinda weird really. 

"All done, flower. Let's head home as I know everyone else is out and busy at the moment, so we can have the house to ourselves to talk." Caleb tells me and packs up the dagger and chalice. I turn to Logan and say

"You coming yeah?"

"Yes, Phoe. I said I would. let's go say bye to Katy." He put his arm around my shoulder and we went back into the living room.

"All done?" Katy asks 

"Yeah. But I need to go home and talk to Caleb so I'll come see you again later or something?" her smile grows. She's so silly.

"Ok. I'm not going anywhere, so whenever." She hugs me goodbye and Caleb comes from the kitchen, holding his hand out to me

"Ready?" I take his hand and he pulls me to him and kisses me, as he dips me down. I smile into his mouth, the goof. But I dread getting there and telling him. We walk out the door and J-Lo follows. When we get to the path leading to the house and Jake says bye to us and when Logan doesn't make to leave Caleb says

"Bye then Logan. She will let you know when she wants you."

"Actually, I'm coming with you, for moral support." Logan tells him.

"So she fucking told you, but couldn't tell one of her mates?" He snaps. I knew he would react this way. But knowing and actually seeing and hearing it are 2 different things. 

"It's not like that. I'm not scared I'll lo-" I start but he cuts me off

"I dont want to fucking hear it Kylie! How long has he known?" He asks me angrily as he stomps towards to house and we both follow.

"I've known since she went on a date with Declan. And you would know if you didn't keep blowing up at her everytime she starts to talk about shit. Did you stop to consider why she told me. Which she was about to tell you but let me make it crystal fucking clear for you-"

"Logan, don't-"

"No, Phoe. I'm not having it anymore. Years She was held against her will, Caleb. Beaten… Abused. And not just physically. They told her on a daily basis, that she wasn't good enough and wouldn't ever get mates. Hell she didn't even know she wasn't human! Imagine being told every day that if you did have a mate, they would reject you. Would only pretend with you so they could use your body for there own purposes. That no one could possibly love someone like you. That they were only doing to her what her mate would do, so better to get used to it now! And she didn't know any better because other than me and her family, no one had ever shown her love or compassion or any fucking decent emotion. She has no reason to ever doubt or fear losing me. It's not possible and our love is a sibling love. I'd do anything for her. Including keeping all her secrets, no matter who they involve. I'm also the one she turns to for advice, and I try to get her to see things for what they really are, but I'll never force her to do anything she's not ready to do. She finally plucks up the courage to tell you and you get in her face over nothing. You already know what she wants to tell you, you just wanted to hear it from her. Right? Then shut the fuck up and listen. Because if you really paid attention you'd all see the little signs of her trauma bleeding through the cracks. She keeps a lid on it for the most part, but it is there and your all fucking idiots if you think otherwise" And that's why he's my best friend. I can feel the tears falling down my face but I don't care. Yes I'm terrified they will all reject me. Regardless of what they do and say. But he will always be there, guiding me to not listen to the monsters that whisper In my ear, to help me see reason and come to the conclusion myself that I can ignore the monsters, because they're wrong. He looks at me and his face falls

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