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Y/n- "Heyyy!"
Y/n- "How my favorite kitty doing?!" I ask while walking home.

Kitty- "Aren't I your only kitty?"

Y/n- "Well yeah.."
Y/n- "But you're still my favorite kitty, you know?"
Y/n- "But anyways you didn't answer my question yet."

Kitty- "I'm doing fine, just finished practice with kuroo."

Y/n- "Oooo you mentioned him before, is he like your boyfriend or something?" I say before laughing.

Kitty- "No he's just my best friend idiot, I thought I told you that."

Y/n- "Did you really, I don't remember.." I nervously say.

Kitty- "I think so I don't know..."
Kitty- "Anyways why did you call? Did you need something or..."

Y/n- "I don't need a reason to call you but this time I did."
Y/n- " I needed a distraction while walking home also I like talking to you so two reasons." I giggle as I hear kenma sign at my response.

Kitty- "Well why did you need a distraction while walking home?"

Y/n- "Because i'm alone and don't want to get kidnapped duh!"

Kitty- "Who'd wanna kidnap you."
Kitty- "They'd have to be hella desperate." Kenma laughs at his own words.

Y/n- "HEY! That's not funny! Anyone would love to kidnap someone like me!"

Kitty- "No they wouldn't. They'd most likely let you go from how much you talk." He continues laughing making me let out a small chuckle.

Y/n- "I don't talk a lot!" I pout.

Kitty- "Yes you do."

Y/n- "Do not!"

Kitty- "Yes you do."

Y/n- "Do not!"

Kitty- "Fine you don't" He playfully signs.

Y/n- "Thank you kitty!"
Y/n- "Let's play minecraft when I get home!"

Kitty- "Sure, i've been playing a lot on our server so there's going to be some changes."
Kitty- "Kuroo also helped, well kinda..."

Y/n- "What do you mean kinda?" I question.

Kitty- "He mostly just kept messing around, only thing he actually did was collect flowers and a lot of cats."

Y/n- "You probably told him to get you cats."

Kitty- "...."
Kitty- "No he got them cause he wanted them..." He said nervously.

Y/n- "Mhm sure.."
Y/n- "Anyways I just got home!"
Y/n- "Another successful day of not getting kidnapped!" I cheered as I heard kenma chuckle.

Kitty- "Congrats!"Kenma said sarcastically.

Y/n- "Thanks babe!" I said causing kenma to groan.

Kitty- "Well i'm not home yet so you'll have to wait."

Y/n- "Okay imma go shower, wanna join~?"

Kitty- "No goodbye!"

Y/n- "kk love you!" I laugh.

Kitty Ended Call

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