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Originally, Donghee didn't have work or school today

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Originally, Donghee didn't have work or school today. However, she decided to go to the hospital as a visitor. It took nearly an hour of begging and nagging to have Jaemin agree to drive her. His original plans of the day was to, well, sleep in.

The both of them walked into the hospital, walking up to the receptionist's desk. "Oh? Miss Donghee, I'm aware that you aren't working today. What brings you here?" The receptionist asked.
"I'm here to visit Miss Nam, Jihyeon Nam." Donghee spoke.

While Donghee spoke with Miss Oh, the receptionist, Jaemin stood behind Donghee with his eyes wandering all over the modern interior.

"I'm sure you know where her room is by now." Miss Oh bowed her head, smiling warmly at Donghee who was waving back.

Jaemin and Donghee walked side by side in silence, walking to the elevator. "What room is she?"
"Room 219."

When walking in the elevator, Jaemin froze at the numbers. He felt his body go numb, thoughts and memories flooding his head.

"I'm not going. I'm not going anywhere near those rooms." Jaemin stated. His voice was cold again. It wasn't the somewhat happy tone like before.

"Why not? We're already in the elevator so you might as well." Donghee turned to Jaemin. She was far than confused.

Why so suddenly? Was there something wrong?

Jaemin brought himself back to the crowded hallway. A hallway filled with 23 crying men. Even while standing in the elevator, he could hear the cries of one specific male. The painful cries outside room 217.

He remembered everything vividly. The heart ache, the tears, the cries, and most importantly, the girl.

Where did it go wrong? Where did the surgeons go wrong for her to leave? It was too soon, simply too soon. He could feel it again in his heart.

The way it broke when they heard the news. The way his heart cried for the girl and her lover. The way it cried for her cousin and brother. The way it cried for her.

"I just..I can't." Jaemin whispered. His voice was weak with barely any emotions.

The elevator doors opened. Donghee walked out while taking Jaemin's wrist. When the two of them were out the elevator, she turned to Jaemin with soft yet serious eyes. She cupped his face with both hands, lifting his head slightly.

"I don't know what your going through and I'm not gonna ask because it's not my business. What I do know, is that you're scared. Everyone gets scared but you have to push forward. You can't keep holding yourself back because of your fears. You have look past it and move on," she stared deep into his eyes as she spoke.
"Nothing, absolutely nothing, should have the power and control to hold you back. You're Na Jaemin. You're strong, fearless, powerful; and yet you're letting some stupid emotions get the best of you." Gently, she tapped either side of his cheeks to get him into his senses.

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