Damsel in Distress

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Sorry for the long wait. I can't wait to share with you more about what plans I have for Henry.

Henry's POV

"Shouldn't you be in school?" I look up from my book, seeing my Uncle Kol shaking his head at me.

"You've always been one never to follow the rules." I reply as he joins me on the beach.

"Now, how did I not know my favorite nephew was coming for a visit?" He takes the book out of my hands and raises his eyebrows. "Asking a crush out for dummies? Really? Henry?"

"It's..." I take my book back. "It's not what it looks like."

"Now, what ridiculous person would be crazy enough not to like my nephew back?"

"Plenty of people." I answer. Kol passes a flask over to me.

"It's 10 a.m."

"And?" He questions. Kol takes a swig of the flask and holds it back out to me. I take it and sip, allowing the alcohol to burn my throat.


"Tell me about her."


"I know what it's like to like someone so much and for them to not return the feelings."

"I doubt that."

"I was a young lad once. I know what rejection is like."

"Please just don't." I stand up, getting frustrated.

"Henry, I'm just..."

"You can't relate to me, Uncle Kol. None of you can. I might come from a long line of vampires, witches, and werewolves, but everyone in my family is ridiculously attractive."

"Don't be hard on yourself, mate. Henry, you are a very..."

"I'm a runt. We both know it. Let's stop acting like I'm not short for my age. All of the girls I like are almost a whole head taller than me. I work out all the time but can't put on any muscle whatsoever. I...I look like a little kid Uncle Kol." I complain.

"I know you don't believe that I can't relate but trust me, I can. Replace being a little smaller in physique to slightly paranoid about everything, and I hide behind my humor and games to make up for the fact I'm not the strongest. The majority of the time, I'm the smartest." I raise my brow at him. "Don't listen to any rubbish your father has ever told you. Niklaus is a dumbass."

"I'll tell him that." Kol stiffens.

"You will do no such thing, or I'll make sure you never get a date in your life." He threatens me.

"I have always seen her when people just write her off for being crazy. Unstable and...I just find her incredibly smart, beautiful, and...she just thinks I'm Hope's little brother."

"Have you told her how you feel?"


"Yes, really. How do you think I got the beautiful and powerful Davina to love me finally."

"I'm... I'm not the best at sharing my feelings. Or letting people get close to me. Not after..." I look down at my hands and feel immense guilt.

"You can't blame yourself for the same thing for the rest of your life Henry. You have so much to live for. You can't hold what happened to your friend forever."

"I want Always and Forever, but...I don't want it at the cost of others." I admit to him.

"This family, Henry is...we have a messy history of sacrificing others for the preservation of that bloody promise." He grabs my hand making me look at him. "Freya and Elijah sacrificed my Davina to preserve Always and Forever. I thought I would never forgive them, but...that promise has saved me more times than I can count. It is the very thing that bonds us. Reminding us, we're more than just ourselves. Family is worth fighting for. And so are the people we love." He looks at me. "Tell me about this girl, and maybe I can help make her see you."

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