It's All About That Knife

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Henry's POV

"Thanks for putting some clothes on." I comment to Hope and she flips me off and I repay the gesture right back.

"Don't touch that." Hope scolds Landon who tries to open one of the display cases in the library.

"Sorry. I didn't...I mean I wasn't...where are we?" Landon asks changing the subject.

"The Stefan Salvatore Memorial Library. All the artifacts in here have a supernatural history." I explain to him.

"What the story on this one?" Landon points to an old looking knife.

"No idea. But in our experience, your safe bet is to not touch it." Hope tells him and I can sense her getting all giddy.

"Noted." Landon mumbles.

"I'm sorry about earlier. You shouldn't have been out there." Hope apologizes to him.

"Yeah. I'll file that under the things that seem really obvious after the fact." Landon and she are doing some hardcore eye flirting and I find it so hard to break out laughing at them. "So...I guess that means you two are werewolves. He said casually."

"We're a lot of things." I close a book I was reading.

"Care to elaborate?"

"They're just gonna make you forget tomorrow." Hope dodges his question.

"Come on. Humor me." Landon begs.

"Oh, this is going to be fun." I levitate the book I was reading back into the shelf and Landon's eyes go wide.

"The blood that runs through our veins isn't human." Hope starts off explaining coming back with a book on our family. "Our dad is one of the earth's Original vampires." Hope flips open the book to the chapter titled Klaus Mikaleson.

"Klaus Mikaelson." Landon reads out loud. "The Great Evil." He mocks.

"He wasn't very popular around here. Still isn't." I explain to him.

"One of my foster dads used to burn us with his cigarettes. I guess evil is relative." Landon shares with us and I nod my head.

"Our dad for fun hunted down a whole family. Torturing them even shoving their hearts down their throats. He hasn't done that in a couple of years." I smile at Landon as he looks terrified.

"I uh...what?" Landon asks confused.

"Our mother is one of the most powerful witches to walk the earth." I make a book appear in my hands and flip to a page showing the prophecized picture of our mom.

"She was prophecized for centuries to either be the savior of the world or the end of it." I explain to Landon.

"Uh...that is...which one is she?"

"Time will tell but right now she's leaning to being a savior." I reply.

"Our godmother was a werewolf alpha."

"Was?" Landon asks. Hope and I look down. Hayley's death still hits us so hard knowing we could have possibly prevented it. We put her in danger and we'll never see her again because of it.

"The people we care about tend to...uh suffer. And leave." Hope elaborates. "I try not to get close to people anymore."

"Yeah, I can see that." Landon and she are again eye flirting.

"Our grandmother was a witch." I add.

"So all of those things passed down making us..."

"A unicorn?" Landon guesses making Hope smile.

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