Who Remembers?

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Sorry for the long wait in between chapters. I sometimes find it hard to write this story because I'm trying to make it different from other stores and that takes more time than my other stories. I hope you all enjoy this update.

"Wait, wait, she got pregnant in Satan's mud bath?" Landon is pacing around the room.

"Seems like it." I say nonchalantly. Dr. Saltzman kicks my leg.

"Be sensitive." He scolds me.

"This is as sensitive as I can get." I argue back.

"I know that's not true, Henry."

"So my mom is gone now?" Landon interrupts.

"Being a parent is complicated."

"You're justifying her leaving him again?" I question Dr. Saltzman.

"I mean in that we sometimes forget that we're doing the right thing when in reality we're just really dumb." He explains himself.

"Oh, like when my mom was going to sacrifice herself to The Hollow to protect us? That kind of stupid?" I ask.

"Uh yes, that...sure." Dr. Saltzman fumbles with his words. "Uh, I need to check on Hope." He gets up and leaves just as the bathroom door opens, and a fish-man stands there looking at us.

"Bigger fish. Huge fish." Landon cries out.

"Yes, dumbass, we all see it!" I fire back. Dr. Saltzman raises his gun, but there's no need for it. "Ictus." I chant, sending the monster flying back into the bathroom and locking it in there.

"I was going to do the same spell." Hope joins us.

"Great minds think alike." I compliment her.

"That was disgusting. How did you three not smell it?" She asks me.

"Thought the smell was coming from lover boy." I reply.

"You thought I was smelling like rotten fish?" Landon asks me.


"See? Danger magnet." Landon exclaims, getting worked up again.

"What the hell was that?" Hope asks.

"Pretty sure if we knew, we would say, but I'm going with Fishman." I answer.

"I was going to guess Mer-Man." Dr. Saltzman adds. The monster pounds on the bathroom door. "A very pissed Mer-Man."

"Why are the monsters still coming for them? We don't even have what they want." Hope says.

"I don't know, but we got to get Landon out of here." Dr. Saltzman says.

"Or we could just leave his ass and act like we never found him." I suggest.

"Henry, shut up with that!" Hope orders me.

"Oh, no." Landon says.

"What?" Hope and I snap at him as he fumbles around in his backpack.

"You said the necromancer told you the knife was one of three keys, right?" He asks us.

"The Necromancer." Hope and I correct him.

"Like I said, it's a long story, but why does it matter?" Hope asks. Landon produces an urn, and I punch him in the throat.

"You son of a bitch!"

"Henry!" Hope goes to Landon's aide.

"He's fine. It will barely leave a bruise." I argue.

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