Hey Billie

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"Hey Billie,"

"Kiera what are you doing here it's 3 in the morning."

"What the hell happened to your face"

"Gang shit- just come in" she said opening the door wider for me to come in

"we can talk In the morning you look tiered and like you've been crying" she said as we walked up the stairs "I'm not sure which room is empty but most of them are so it shouldn't be hard.

"Actually can I sleep with you tonight"

"Yeah sure" she said as we continued to walk up to her room

Billies pov

Kiera was the last person I was expecting to open the door to at 3 in the morning. She looked like she haven't gotten any sleep and like she was crying. I noticed she has gotten extremely skinny. I could tell she was upset so I don't question her about it.

When we got up to my room she dropped her bag and took something off her finger.

"Do you want this back" she said handing it to me

"No, but I will put it with mine while we sleep" I took the ring and put in on my finger statue and got in bed with her.

The second I got in she latched onto me like she used to do. I can tell how upset she's been so I just rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head.

"I missed this Billie" she said snuggling into me and drifting off to sleep

I woke up before Kiera still holding her. Last night was the best sleep I have gotten in months. I carefully got out of bed trying my best not to wake her, but she woke up when I was brushing my teeth.



"Is my toothbrush still here. I thought I packed it last night but I can't find it"

"Yeah all your stuff is still here"


"You wanna talk after breakfast or do you wanna talk later"

"We can talk after we eat"

We went downstairs to get our food and she kinda shyed away from the guys and their out burst of excitement.

"Oh my god Kiera you are alive"

"Hey Kiera I've missed my fighting buddy"

"Good morning honey. Do you not smoke anymore I have rolled you blunts but you don't smoke them at the parties anymore. I keep them in a box for you if you want them"

Kiera chuckled a little at OD. I don't think he realizes she just hasn't been here. We got our food and went straight to my room.


"You have the first 20 minutes skipped already" she smiled looking at me

"Yeah after I watch it I get it ready for the next time I do"

"Ohh so you've been watching while I've been gone"

"Shut up. So Titanic or no"

"Nahh let's watch the Office I could use a good laugh"

I turned the Office on while we ate. After we ate we put out plates aside and cuddled and watched the whole season.

"Kiera why did you come last night. Aren't you mad" I asked pause if the show

"Why do you have a black eye" she asked back

"I asked first"

"Shawn kicked me out the house because he caught me using"

"What. Kiera I gave you those drugs to sell not use"

"I know I know I don't even remember really using. I just woke up and then it hit me"

"What do you mean you don't remember"

"Well I remember my new friend Luna came over because we were going to go to a party but I didn't want to get out of bed because yesterday would have been our-"

"7 month anniversary"

"Yeah, and then she took me to her house and gave me a needle and told me too take all of it. Next thing I know I'm back at my house and shawn kicking me out."

"Ke how much was in the needle."

"I think it was almost full why"

"Seems like your friend over dosed you and tried to make it look like you did it yourself. What did you say her name was"

"Luna do you know her"

"Uggh most likely, what dose she look like"

"A white girl"

"Hey I find that very offensive"

"No no you are like spicy white she is like Rich white girl white"

"Haha okay I think I know who she is" I said walking up to the inner com in my room. "Be in the van in 5 minutes"

"What what's going on"

"Listen to me stay in my room do not leave. My boss shouldn't come but lord knows what that man will do and we don't need him to know you are here okay. I'll tell you everything when we get back"

"HEY...NO NO" she fought CT while he tried to tie her up. "Billie I swear to god I will-"

"You will what try and kill my girlfriend"

"Ex- girlfriend and she took you away from me"

"You are fucking psychotic we hooked up one time when we were what 16 and you have some wired claim on me?"

"You were my first love Billie the night your dick was inside me I felt something special"

"We were both drunk what are you- you know what I'm not having it get her in the van"

I Put a cloth over her face to put her to sleep for the drive home. When we got to the house the boys carried her to the basement while I went to get Kiera.

I opened the door only to see her sleep snuggled into my body pillow. I softly rubbed her back, picked her up and carried her to the basement along side the boys.

"Kiera wake up" I said softly waking her up "look is that her" I asked pointing to Luna

"Luna" she said with concern "is she dead" she asked looking at me

"No no just sleep, CT wake her up" I said and Kiera wrapped her arms around my neck and stuffing her face into my chest as she was still a little sleepy.

"Damn just tase me next- Time- you little slut get off of her"

"Why it's not like she's your girlfriend"

Oh no.

"Well actually..."

"What Billie she's your girlfriend!?! That's why you knew who I was talking about" she yelled  getting off my lap

"No the bitch is a psycho. We hooked up one time when we were like 16 and she swears we are together. All the girls I have hooked up with after her she dose the same shit try's to over dose them and make it look like a suicide"

"Oh okay so what are you going to do with her"

"We can't do much" pistol said

"What why not kill her or keep her here in the basement"

"We can't" CT said

"why not"

"Because she's-" I started to say but she cut me off

"Because I'm his daughter..."

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