Birthday Drama

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The last month as been Exhausting. Kiera and Vanessa keep saying shit under their breath when they see each other. Then they start arguing and I have to take the girls and the Dogs outside.

But Cora is still mad at Lilin so then Lilin comes to me upset AND THEN Cora gets more upset/jealous and starts climbing all over me.

Cora Birthday is coming up and I don't want shit happening at the surprise party. Meaning I have to talk to everyone.

"Kiera, Vanessa shut the fuck up and go to the gym." I yelled bringing everyone inside. "Lilin Go with OD. OD please don't try to give her a blunt. She is three"

"Excuse me. I'm almost Four now"

He doesn't realize age is a thing so he tries to give everyone a blunt.

"And I'm almost six"  Cora said back while I walked upstairs to the gym.

"You two need to Chill the fuck out. Cora Birthday is coming up and I don't need y'all starting anything got it" I said sternly

"Of Course you are throwing your girlfriend sister a party my god" Me and Kiera just looked at each other.

"We aren't dating" Kiera quietly said

"Oh you aren't? Well I just thought,...y'all wear matching rings"

"It's none of your business bitch" Kiera said getting in Vanessa face

"KIERA" I yelled pulling her back.

"That shit. I don't want that shit got it"

"Yeah whatever" Vanessa said

"Oh shit wait when is the little brats birthday"

"She's not a fucking brat"

I ignored Kiera and Vanessa comments

"This weekend why"

"My god that explains everything the bitch is a Leo"

"Okay I will ignore everything y'all call the girls but a bitch is out of line Vanessa" she scuffed and walked off to her room.

"When dose she go to training like the boys did" Kiera asked

"Actually my boss want a me to train her. He also found out we have dog so he wants them to be killer dogs"

"But Shark and Peaches are sweet."

"I have an idea don't worry. I'm being serious about Cora birthday though"

"I know I won't do anything as long as she doesn't".


I jumped up out of bed and clocked my gun scared by the scream still half sleep.

"Billie hurry get back in bed it's just Cora she dose that every year on her birthday"

I groaned and got back in bed and Kiera started to lightly count.





"Cora why did you scream. Go back to bed it's early" Kiera said sticking to my plan

"What? You know why I screamed I do it every year."

"No I don't go back to bed and on your way there apologize to everyone. Including Lilin because I'm sure you really scared her"

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