Cute moment: Jason Todd "Counting sheep."

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Author POV:

sitting down while eating Ice cream watching them arguing again. 

that became like a routine for you.

so it was fine.

but what wasn't fine the period cramps you got from your own period.

and you could swear that you are about to punch someone in the face because of the pain you were feeling.

Luckily you had Alfred who understood about your pain and gave you a whole box of ice cream you could finish by yourself.

you had your hair up in a bun, wore your boyfriend's biggest shirt you could find on leggings.

you were a mess and you were more than ready to get involved in the fight but you just had 0 energy to do anything so you just ate your ice cream and watched.

you watched them fight with a palm underneath your own cheek and that when Jason lost his shit.


said walking upstairs leaving his motorcycle helmet, phone, keys, leather jacket and wallet then walked out of the kitchen. 

soon you heard the sound of his door opened and slammed aggressively.

". . ."

everyone fell into an awkward silence then looked at you while you were licking the spoon clean.

suddenly you heard the door open again footsteps could be heard running downstairs again and angry Jason walking back inside carrying you from your back and walking out the kitchen to his bedroom.

you held on to the Ice cream box while licking the spoon "I am sorry, Doll."

"Save it for later, Asshole." you cursed him out while he was walking upstairs hearing fainted giggles coming out from Loza.

he laid you down on the bed while you gave him your back still mad at him for literally calling you "shit".

you don't know if that you're being so emotional or him being an asshole??

or your period is being the slut it is???

no one will know.

even me, Duh.

Jason just got off the bed as you felt his weight being left from the bed he walked to the bathroom. 

soon you heard the sound of the water running down.

you finished your ice cream putting the empty box down next to the bed.

laying down on the bed closing your eyes, you felt cramps again as you hissed in pain.

after minutes he walked out of the bathroom, seeming more relaxed.

he dried himself and put on boxers with sweatpants and looked at you.

"I want my fucking cuddles."

you glanced at him and looked back at your side still pissed at him.

"piss off..."

he still managed to get on the bed pulling you into his chest anyways.

you couldn't fight him back you were so weak and so tired so you let it slide anyway. 

you closed your eyes finally falling asleep still having your boyfriend's strong grip around you.

a few hours later.

you were sleeping peacefully until a very loud and strong thunderstorm that you swore you could feel yourself pooping your pants from it.

that made Jason jump off the bed, sweating and panting as if he ran for 1 hour straight.

you quickly sat up holding on to his shoulder but he grabbed your head and looked at you still scared.

soon his grab on your wrist softens when he heard you gasping in pain.

"I am sorry...I am so sorry..."

he said letting go of your wrist as he held on to his head.

you know about his own past, his death, and how he is scared of thunderstorms that remind him of that night.

Jason may seem like a bastard that has no feelings but inside, Jason is like a baby.

like a small kid who is afraid of losing his own mom.

you grabbed on him again feeling him shaking a bit.

heavy rain could be heard outside. 

'It must be a very bad stormy night' you thought to yourself while holding on to Jason pulling him close to your chest.

you laid down back on the bed hugging Jason who had his hands on his ears.

you covered him and you up with covers and played with his hair.

there were no thunderstorms but the rain was still pouring outside so heavily.

Jason soon relaxed as he hugged your own waist close as if you are about to fly off.

"Want me to count sheep for you?"

you asked him as he didn't respond but he only nodded softly.

"1 little sheep..."

you started counting playing with Jason's hair softly, fingers getting lost in his own soft hair locks.

"2 little sheep..."



"I am sorry for being an ass..."

"Just let me finish counting or else."

" fine damn woman.."

and let's say you kept counting sheep until you and him passed out.

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