a calm night Dick Grayson X reader

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looking at the lights of the city

how could they be so pretty?

then i remembered the night

when you went out from my own sight

i think you were joking

what you meant was breaking

my own heart that was beating for you

wiping my tears

its been years

sense the last time we met

and you went away

pretended that you didn't care

but you were dying inside

i could feel it too

now after 6 years

now you were standing with her

wedding rings shined like the sun

kissing the pride

while i was standing staring at you

i could be her

she took my place

you REPLACED me..

but it was okay..

i know i should cry over you

but my dumb heart couldn't handle it

then you moved your attention to me

i saw shock in your eyes

how could i come to your wedding party?

faking a smile while waving at you

you didn't do the same thing

you just kissed her in front of me

like you meant it

shaking my head now foolish you were

you didn't know that you are in the past now?

well,honey listen..

you made me know what i want now.

so thank you.

suddenly a hand was placed on my shoulder

looking behind me i saw my husband

who was holding our 4 years old boy

he kissed my lips as i did the same

i made a happy family

with who?

with your friend

so thank you


i suffered

i learned

i changed

looking at my handsome husband i fixed his tie softly

"enjoying the party,Love?"

nodding i picked up my son as i held his hand

"let's go,Grayson."

i said softly to him

he held my hand kissing it as we walked away

i could feel your eyes glaring at our back

now guess who i flipped the table on??

i flipped it on you~

think twice.

don't be dumb

i moved on,idiot

but you didn't

standing in on the roof wondering

how the lights of the city

were so pretty

now i knew why

because i learned how to fly

without Wings

now in this blessing Calm night

me and you sitting down

you kissed my cheek

whispering it again in my ear

" i love you."

" i love you too,Dick Grayson"

a quick explain

the reader was in a relationship with someone for 4 years and then they broke up. when she was on the roof at the first of the one shot it was at night when she broke up with him. and you see that she cried. and after 6 years she was in his wedding party to watch him with his pride. she wanted to prove to him that she moved on. i actually wanted everyone to think that her ex was Dick Grayson when it actually wasn't. and then when Dick appeared while he was carrying their boy she kissed Dick in front of her ex to tell him that he was such a fool for thinking that she didn't move on and HE was the one who didn't move on. so at the end of the one shot she was sitting down with Dick and their son meaning that she moved on and she had a family on her own..

that if you having a hard time trying to understand what happened. 

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