Mr Batman Bruce Wayne X reader

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"hurry up Batman will be here at any minute!!"


opening the save i looked at the Joker then pulled out a jewel "ooh..this one is un beau bijou~(this one is a beautiful Jewel~)" i said while staring at it,eyes like a heart shape "i will take this Monsieur,Joker~" i said putting it in my bag while he was too busy collecting the money into his brown bag "okay see you later~" i said while walking to the window a voice stopped me "its too early for you to leave us...don't you think, Rose?" said a dark vice from a man in the darkness walking out i noticed he was Batman as i smiled "i guess i will leave you two alone now.., bonne nuit mon cher" jumping out the window i ran into the darkness then something like a rope wrapped around my feet as i fell down "not to fast,dumb face."

looking up i saw robin then i smiled under the mask "oh so you are here too?quelle surprise!" i said while he gave me a disgusted look then i stood up "but too bad,mon cher.." i said while he gave me a weird look "BOOM." i said while removing the mask then throwing it to the ground. the mask blew up with black smoke sooner i was no where to be seen..

Batman POV

I tied up the Joker in the chair then i gave him one last punch knocking him out then i walked out from the bank. there was a blood on my lip and a scar on the chest because of that freak clown. i looked at Robin who wasn't so pleased "she escaped.. didn't she?" i asked and Damian looked at the ground "*sigh*..its okay.. let's just go home" (for some of you its kind of impossible when a criminal escapes from Damian but i did that for some reasons. yeah so go on..)

in the Manor Alfred stitched my wounds while Damian was sitting there face down "Damian..its okay lil guy.." said Dick trying to cheer him up while Damian spoke "go away Grayson.." he said getting up walking out from the batcave to the living room."Master, Bruce...Do you want me to Attend Dinner?" He asked me watching me with his eyes while i got up putting on my shirt " thanks,Alfred..i am not hungry.." i said then i left the batcave

Author POV

Dick watched Bruce leaving then he spoke to Alfred "what's with him...?" he asked Alfred who was watching Bruce leaving sadly and quietly "today is the Death anniversary of Master Wayne's Parents.." he said only hearing an 'oh' from Dick. Alfred then walked out from the batcave soon he was followed by Dick. on the other side. Bruce was in his dark bedroom holding the picture of his parents staring at it while his head was down...when suddenly someone knocked on the door "...father...?" Damian's voice could be heard from outside the door. his tone was kind of said for seeing his father sad and broken. he opened the door softly then he closed it behind him..

the moon light was the only thing that made Damian see through his horrible darkness. he knew about the death anniversary and he knew he had to cheer his father up..when it comes for Damian when he sees someone broken or sad..he won't do anything about it and he will just watch..but when he sees his father like that..he changes 180 degrees.. he has a huge sake for his father..he doesn't show it often but he loves him.. after all..he is his son..his blood son..

he sat down next to him...not finding words to say..but he ended up putting his arm on his father's shoulders and hugs him. then Bruce did the same thing.."it's okay father....i am here...." he said quietly to him hoping he can cheer his father up..

On the other side :


Taking off the black stretched suit and the white mask. enjoying the cold air hitting my bare body. i then looked at the Jewel how beautiful and shining it was i smiled and i sat down not even bothering to put anything on then i looked at the wall. the wall that was covered in pictures of the Batman and a lot of business men i was trying to figure out who was the Batman and i finally knew.. i smirked as i stood up and walked to the picture of Bruce Wayne who had a knife stuck on his head and red lipstick circled all over his face in the picture, i smiled tilting my head feeling the weight of my hair on my shoulders and back "soon my love...pretty soon..."

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