Damian X reader chubby cheeks

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AUTHOR 2021: warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


me:  . . .

me 2018:. . .

me: *SLAPS*

me 2018: QQQWQQQ


rolling my eyes while hearing them making fun of me again, it became like a routine for me... I walked towards my class as I sat down in my place pulling out my stuff, I have been bullied since I have got into this school. it's because of my body. I am chubby. I have chubby cheeks, hips, and everything. I have never hated myself before but them mentioning it over and over again, you can say that my demons got the best of me.

I put my head on the desk trying to take a nap but my eyes shot open as the bell rang meaning the class started "morning class...please everyone sit down and get ready for our class..but before we start we have a new Student...Damian, please come in.."

I looked up as I looked at the young man standing in front of me "...the name is Damian Wayne...." and he didn't say much more than that..." have a seat next to l/n. l/n put your hands up." I put my hand up as he looked at me and spoke "you want me to sit down next to chubby cheeks?" he said as the rest of the class laughed.

then one of the girls spoke "yeah right...she is ugly why don't you sit down next to me?" she said as I spoke "shut up Karen....'' I said having my palm underneath my chin while looking down at my book I heard 'born!!!!!!' someone said from the guys as Damian sat down next to me "miss l/n if you didn't respect anyone of my class then you better leave-" I got up and took my notebook and bag and walked to the door "well see ya then..." I said as I left it completely as I felt the class.

I always have hated her classes tho. I walked to the playground waiting for her class to end so I can walk back when the other classes begin as I checked my phone.no messages from my parents as always.. remind me again the last time they even cared for their only daughter...?easy answer they never did. I fixed my glasses as I sat down quietly waiting for the goddamn bell to ring as it finally ranged. 

I walked back to the class and Damian was sitting there next to my seat "you have a detention." he said as I didn't look at him but I answered him "whatever." I said as I started copying whatever the teacher wrote. 

at the corner of my eyes, I see Damian holding my hair softly playing with it as looked at him "..... that belongs to you...." I said as I took it away from his hand"..." he looked at me as he spoke "let's just see how many days you going to play hard to get until you fall for me." he said as I smirked "they all say that but they end up failing. let's see how you gonna do." I said as he spoke near my ear "let's see..." ugh what the fuck?

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