Bruce Wayne X model Reader long storyline part 2

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-ignoring him was all you could do.

-walking away avoiding journalists and people, you walked straight to your own room to change then go.

- You didn't want to speak to him.

-or even see him in general.

- when you finished Changing you turned around to head out from your room, opening the door you were faced by the one and only Bruce Wayne.

-"Why are you avoiding me?"

-you looked up at him wanting to walk past him but he only walked in closing the door after him immediately.

-"...Bruce...please just let me go..." you said avoiding eye contact.

-"he is alive,y/n..."

-his words stopped you from trying to walk past him as you looked up at him.


-" you need to come with me..." without even thinking you walked out with Bruce from the whole place.

-as you got into the car next to the driving seat you spoke "explain..."

-" his dead body was kidnapped by  Ra's Al Ghul, he used the Lazarus pit on him to bring him back to life... Lazarus bit is something Ra's used to cheat death and avoid aging..."

-you heard his own explanation as you held on to your own chest feeling pain mixed with happiness.

-pain because you couldn't believe you lived 5 years of your life far away from your son believing he was dead.

- and happiness because you were about to meet him again.

-Soon Bruce parked the car as you couldn't wait and opened the door running out to the manor's door not caring if you tripped from your long heels.

-you knocked on the door in a hurry as Alfred opened the door as you were about to step in you tripped and fell as Alfred helped you "Misteress Y/n are you okay?" he asked helping you up as you looked at him "where is he?!"

- he understood that Bruce told you everything as he spoke: "in the Batcave." 

- as you reached the grandfather Clock then down to the Batcave you heard yelling as you walked in seeing Dick and Dick told you about Tim arguing with someone with a red helmet.

-you didn't see the face as his back was facing you.

-Dick and Tim stopped Arguing as they stared at you but Jason didn't stop shouting.

- "Now you two are being pussies?! okay great fuck you two and whoever lives in that house I am leaving screw this shit I am out!" he turned around only to look down at you.

- ". . ." you couldn't speak as your mouth was opened no words wanting to come out of your lips.

- you softly grabbed on his own helmet as he was completely frozen in his place.

-you managed to take it off him as you stared at his face.

- his face was just blank as you spoke "so that's where you have been all this time??"

-"..." he looked away from your gaze as you lose your own grip on the helmet making it fall down to the ground then took few steps towards him hugging the taller boy.

-Jason didn't say anything he only wrapped his arms around you leaning his cheek against your own head.

-you couldn't take it anymore as you broke down in his own arms.

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