When the Author is sick.

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BTW my nick name is Loza. 

Loza POV

i was laying down on the bed having a bad fever , i was wrapped in the blanket and Dick was sitting on a chair next to my bed "take the medicine,Loza." he said as i shook my head no "i said i am alright and i don't need a medicine to heal." i said hissing,The red deer was leaning against the door and she spoke "if you didn't take the medicine your fever will become more worse." she said while her red long coat hiding her body then Pennyworth walked in holding the medicine "there you go master Dick." he said as Dick spoke "thanks Alfred." he said opening the bottle and pours some of the liquid medicine in the spoon "...Say ah." he said and i hissed "what am i to you???a five years old child???!" i asked then he sighed "then i guess i will do it in the hard way,DAMIAN" he screamed Damian's name as Damian ran inside holding his sword "......You will take the medicine or i will make you take it in my own way." he said as he was standing on my bed.staring at him and took the bottle from Grayson's hand and drunk it all then threw the bottle away making Dick scream "IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!!!!" he said before i black out. 

Waking up i was in my bed and Alfred spoke "ah.great that you are up miss,Loza." he said as i sat up "uugh..what happened?" i asked as he spoke "you had poisoning from the bottle you drunk it all." he said "ugh great.." i said as i looked around "where is everyone?" i asked and he spoke 'they are outside because i don't think they would love to see this." he said pulling out an injection.i stared in horror

1 minute Later 


screaming on the top of my lungs as the others ran inside "huh? where is she?" asked Tim as Alfred pointed at the ceiling. everyone looked up i was holding on the chandelier then Jason spoke "how the fuck did you get up there??" he asked then Red deer spoke "wow..." she said quietly as Cassandra spoke "i don't guess it will work that way guys." she said softly and everyone looked at her "why don't we call her mother.you know. Mother can do the best." she said then Barbara spoke "i guess she is right." tearing up as i spoke "i want my mommy." i said as i fell down from the Chandelier to the bed "3...2....1..." said Dick as they jumped on me "WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!" i swore as Alfred gave the injection to the red deer Barbara pulled the pajamas pants as the red deer pushed the needle in as i teared up seeing Jason staring as i bite on his arm he was screaming like a bitch "WHAT THE FUCK_AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed and i was screaming as the red deer covered my butt "done." she said as i cried on the bed crawling up in a ball "i hate you all!!!!!!" i said as Bruce walked in in his batman suit 

he looked at everyone and at Jason who was holding his arm and screaming "what in the world is going on here?" he asked as Alfred spoke "she had a fever then a Poisoning. then we had to give her an injection,master Bruce." he said in his normal Tone as Bruce nodded "how is she?" he said as he looked at me "crying." said Alfred "and she bites like a bitc_" Jason was hit on the back of the head by Dick. 

the the red deer spoke "don't worry Bruce she will be alright. but let's leave her alone now." she said as everyone walked out and me was wrapped in a blanket crying in pain because my ass hurt.

so i wanted to cheer up myself sense i had a fever and i took medicine and it was a wrong medicine and i had a Poisoning from it (its because the stupid doctor :,) ) and i had to take a injection because of it. so i said why not to cheer myself up and write a one shot that includes me :,)

the characters belongs to Dc comic except the red deer i created her. 

also would you guys love me to post her and talk about her?

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