Unspeakable feelings #Bruce Wayne

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you were my best friend sense we learned how to walk..

you were my best friend..

you were like any other child

happiness filled up your heart

and that what i loved about you

we used to play together

like everyday

we were like siblings

even thought i never looked at you this way

i looked at you like you will be the one who i will carry his child..

but ever sense that...




everything changed about you..

the joy and happiness that once filled your heart

it turned to anger,guilty and revenge

your life became blackness.

you changed a lot..

i remember that night..when you cried

you hugged me tightly..

begged me to stay with you forever

and not leave you alone

like your parents did..

Alfred was the only one you trusted

besides me.





and you changed to the worse..

you became Batman..

just a broken heart man behind a mask

fight for Justice

becoming the playboy you are now..

and me?

i was by your side this whole time..

agreeing on being by your side

under the name of 'friends' 'siblings' or whatever you called this relationship

i agreed..

i agreed seeing a different woman between your arms


i agreed to be hurt and torn apart..

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