Child Bruce X reader it was an accident??

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Y/N Pov

I was in the batcave with Alfred waiting for my husband and my sons. the batmobile drove towards us and then stopped. when the roof opened i was about to smile but i frowned from the sight. Dick was holding a Child in Batman's suit and he walked out carrying him. the boys jumped out from the batmobile too they all had a nervous look on their faces "okay stop messing around where is Bruce?" i asked they looked at the each other then dick spoke nervously "um..Y/N this is Bruce." he said and i looked at the boy who looked at me. he had the hood down and he stared at me he looked like Damian and Bruce like literally then i spoke "...EXPLAIN NOW."i said angrily snapping then Alfred spoke "Mistress Y/N! calm down,please!" said Alfred and i just was boiling from inside "well. the Joker stole a weird ass machine and this machine could change the human's age to younger or older and it hit Bruce by an accident. he will be like this for 2 or 3 weeks." Dick whispered the last Part,snapping louder this time i couldn't believe it "2 OR 3 WEEKS?!!" i screamed

walking back and forth i finally had an idea"Look..Bruce will live with us under the name of Joseph who is Bruce's youngest Cousin..we will say that Bruce went to a trip for Paris...i will handle the Company and Dick will be Batman till Bruce goes back to normal...clear?" i said and they all nodded. Putting the small Bruce down while walking in his Batman Coat he tripped and fell down as Damian helped him up. i looked at the 8 years old Bruce taking a deep breathe i picked him up. "...." sighing he spoke "you know this will only take 2 to 3 weeks Y/n..its gonna be alright.." said Bruce who had a childish voice like he had drunk Helium. Jason Cracked up laughing as Damian kicked his leg and he stopped laughing 

I held the tiny Bruce and i placed him down on the table "Alfred..Do we have clothes for a chil_" before i even continue he was holding a small sleeveless sky blue pullover. brown shorts and white shirt with a cute small black shoes besides socks of course..i started to undress him and then dress him. he looked cute i won't deny it  but..would i even be able to kiss him in those 2 or 3 weeks? "Turning around I saw them staring at him and Dick spoke "awwe..." he said. whipping a tear away. he loved adorable and no one could say no.I put Bruce down on the ground as Jason couldn't take it anymore and he laughed.

Looking at Him Bruce only sent him death glares and Alfred spoke "Master,Bruce would you like to have warm mixed nuts?" he asked then Bruce nodded his head "yes please." said the small Bruce. Holding his hand we walked out from the batcave . we walked out from the grandfather's clock now we were in the living room. Jason sat down and everyone did except for Bruce sense the chair was too high on him. being the good boy Tim is he picked him up and placed him on the chair taking deep breathe i put the dinner with Alfred. the boys already changed to different clothes. everyone was having dinner and i had a hand on my cheek not eating. i was only staring at my husband who only aged 8 by now.

Looking at Me Bruce looked away then he finished eating soon.he whipped his mouth softly and got up as he walked to our room "mom? is everything alright?" asked Damian and i looked at him "yeah..yeah..i am just not hungry..that's all." i said then Dick spoke "..he will sleep with you?" he asked and i nodded "oh can't_" i cut him off speaking "Watch what you are saying Grayson.i am not a horny bitch to do it with 8 years old child.." i snapped at him and went to Bruce and my room soon Dick was slapped on the back of the Head by Alfred "OW." said Dick 

opening the door. i saw Bruce sitting down on the edge of the bed. his head was done.he always sits on that situation when he is sad..sighing..i walked to him after closing the door i sat down next to him "..Hey Brucie.." i said softly. he didn't answer me. sighing i gently sat him down on my lap then i spoke "i wanna tell you no matter how old or how young you will still my own handsome man you know..." i said as i realized that i was speaking to him like i am his mother and not his wife.FACE PALM SOUNDS. i looked at him as he had a pout on his face. i slowly undressed him and put his pajamas on and i did the same thing. turning  off the lights. i pulled Bruce to my chest and he hugged me with his small hands "i love you Y/N." he said and i chuckled at how cute he was "i love you Tiny Bruce." 

All thought this went was by an accident

it was a really cute accident ..

Remind me to thank Joker later 

A/N i deleted the contest sense no one joined and i made myself look like a fool thank you so much.   

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