Bruce wayne x reader part 2

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I was in the Batcave waiting for Bruce. it was 1:00 AM in the morning. Dick was checking Gotham on the computer from the cameras. Jason was cleaning his AK-47 while Tim was still studying. I saw the batmobile coming towards us. I smiled as the doors opened up and Batman came out. but my smile disappeared a bit when I saw a boy walks out.  "...welcome home.." I said to Batman as he nodded his head. I looked down at the boy as he spoke "so that's the Batcave.. it's smaller than I thought.."  he said sitting down on the chair as I looked at him. we made eye contact as he tilted his head "what?" he asked me as I looked closely into his face. 

he looked like Bruce...literally..the face the eyebrows even the hair and the skin tone...did Bruce..." we need to talk..." I said as Batman looked at me.. everyone left the Batcave. Alfred took Damian to his room..the rest of the boys left to bed as I looked at him." explain.." I said as I hugged my arms listening to his explanation. so he was raped by Talia AL Ghul... I looked at the ground a bit as he walked towards me and was about to hold me as I backed away a bit "...what you need to know...that everything happened a year before I meet you won't think I was cheating.." he said as he turned away.

I looked at the ground as I took few steps back "...i_i will be in our room.." I walked out of the Batcave as I saw Damian in the hallway as he looked at me "so you are my father's wife?" he asked me as I stopped walking and looked down at him "...yes...if you need anything tell can call me Y/N..." I told him as I kneed down to be as tall as him "... I know that already...mother told me everything about you, L/N..." he said as he was eyeing me carefully as if he was studying my I standing in front of the tiny Bruce?...yes...I am totally I am 

I smiled a bit as I looked down "I see Talia told you everything..." smiling I knew that little slut will do more to take my husband away from I know about her...she gets what she wants easily. "I wish I could have chatted with you all night..but you see it's getting late...get some sleep and tomorrow we will speak together so we will know each other well..goodnight.." I said as I got up and went straight to the bedroom.

giving Bruce my back on the bed...I bet he was awake too..we didn't speak..we didn't do anything...we are in the same situation since we got to bed...normally we would cuddle but today we weren't... I hugged the pillow as I thought about Damian and his mother..what if she stole Bruce away from me...? what if Damian will be the new Batman...league of Assassins will find this amazing chance to destroy Gotham and rule it the way they want..what if...what if Bruce will leave me because Talia gave him what he wanted...a son...and he will leave me alone?

I was about to choke in my own breathe when this thought popped up in my head..without knowing..I started tearing up as I sobbed..really? he might do it? I thought as it only got worse and I started crying. I was a sobbing mess and my body was shaking until I felt strong arms hugged me from behind and sweet soft lips pick my head "I know what you are thinking..and no...I will never gonna leave you for Talia Y/N... you are what I want and what I need....nothing can replace you in front of my eyes or in my heart...I love you..." my beloved said as I turned around and pushed my face deep into his chest and teared up more

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