How did you get pregnant UwU

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Warning: NSFW ahead...

Bruce Wayne (Batman) 

-Bruce knows that making love isn't a race, it has to be slow and romantic, i mean- the man already has experienced before.

-When it comes to him, he puts your own needs before him, he highly respects your needs. 

-Bruce has a lot of experiences with women and he knows how to please a woman, but when it comes to his beloved wife, oh that's a whole new story.

-Him being the greatest detective he knew what you love from your own body movements and body language.

-When it comes to your own classic alone time he makes it the best..

-he doesn't do it every day maybe once a week or twice it's based on your own mood.

-and boy he knows exactly how to get you in the mood for it.

-you were standing up in the bedroom while wearing a black sleeping dress, you were looking for a book to read then suddenly strong arms were placed on your waist and butterfly kisses were placed here and there on your neck until he could hear a small moan from you.

-smirking to himself he picked you up and put you in bed..and that was an endless yet happy night.

-he can last for more than 3 hours maybe more. but he thinks 1 hour is enough for you and him, he doesn't want to push you to your limits and hurt you, what a gentleman..

- leaving marks isn't his thing but he loves to leave some bite marks on your neck like 2 or one but to remind you who you belong to.

-he is so clean, he makes sure that he cleans himself real good down there. 

-he loves to make it face to face hands above your head. he loves to see your facial expressions. 

-he loves to go slow and gentle, but he can go rougher the more you ask for it.

-he will be very happy about you being pregnant. 

-him being extra careful about you and the baby. 

-hugging your belly.

-hugs you from behind while his rough hands on your belly stroking it softly

-feels the baby kicking. 

-smiles and tears up kissing your forehead..

-let's just say he wasn't the only one who was excited, everyone in the manor including Damian

-Damian acting like he doesn't care but will kick whoever will come near his mother and his youngest sibling.

-Alfred tearing up and picking up the baby kissing their forehead softly.

-happiest family ever.

Dick Grayson: (Nightwing)

-ooh boy wonder? hmm...much like Bruce, he isn't quick, but also don't turn him on too much, it can get really sloppy. 

-knows exactly how to give you what you want..

-when he is in the mood he will give you the look, his eyes tell you everything.

-he does it every day, boi calms your tits. 

-some times he tears up your clothes. 

-does it outdoors be ready for anything..

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