how he acts when he drunk..

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Bruce (the one who pretends that he is drunk)

- well let's be honest about this, he is tricky af honey, and let's just say you aren't even sure if he swallowed the drink or not.

- he can't drink, he is batman meaning that at any minute he will have to face crime, and he can't face criminals by being excuse me sorry 'drunk'.

-how does that happen? idk maybe he would take some pills that will make him awake and not drunk? like anti-alcoholic pills??? maybe spits his drink out? don't ask me i mean HE IS BATMAN after all. 

-but that doesn't mean he doesn't drink for some special nights ya know,* wink wonk* >w> 

- let's just say he learned his lesson from what happened between him and Talia UwU.

Dick (the one who would seem not drunk but he is drunk af)

- what happened? you 2 got invited to a party in a bar one of your workmates at fist you hesitated but then you agreed on going..i mean from the police station to fighting crime you need break ya know your human after all...and everything was going great, you took 4 shots you and him, and he seemed pretty fine by himself. he wasn't laughing insanely or doing weird stuff. he was calm and he was speaking with you about random stuff.

-that's when he got a message from batman, and you being a hero too you had to follow him, he is your boyfriend after all.

-after the mission you high fived Nightwing and he spoke "good work, Ava" and that when it hit you, this is not your name (if it was your name then change it to another) "......Dick.....who the hell is Ava?" he stared at you then he spoke "...that is a good reason for me to run like insane bitch right?" he said as he freezes in his place "i suppose so..." you replied.

-you started chasing him from a roof to another while he was screaming 'sorry' and you wanting to kick his ass for getting your name wrong,"BABE I AM SORRY!!!!!" he screamed while you were chasing him "SAVE IT FOR LATER, DICKHEAD." you yelled while running after him, and the noises caused some people to wake up and looks out their windows.

-let's just say that you ended up tackling him to the ground and the man slept on the couch this night tied up and he didn't have any cereals for 4 weeks as a punishment.

Jason (the mix of all types.)

- " Jason i didn't know that you were Britney Spears's number one fan.." you said while looking at your boyfriend who was having a hangover from last night "what are you talking about...?" he asked you looking at confused..

-it was a charity ball, Bruce Wayne was opening a new orphanage with everything they needed, and let's say the ball was good and that was When Jason decided to fuck everything up. 

- at first, he took some shots and drunk wine and then whiskey (he literally drunk everything) and he seemed fine at first. but then he started to swing and that is when Bruce decided to tell Alfred to take him back to the manor.

- in the car, the radio was on and it was Britney Spears song 'hit me, baby, one more time.' playing, Jason had his head on Y/N's lap as he suddenly sat up "MY LONELINESS IS KILLING ME~!!!!!!! AND IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I MUST CONFESS I STILL BELIEVE!!!!!!!!" he started to sing so loud that you had to close the windows because of his loud voice since people started staring at you all.

-" I CAN'T---" screamed Dick who was laughing his ass off and taking a video of everything ''HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he hiccuped as he laid his head again on Y/N's lap who was just hiding her face in embarrassment "babeee~" he said as he became touchy and squeezed Y/N's hip which made her literally smack his head "JASON WE ARE IN THE STREET!" she yelled.

- he sat up as he stared at the way silently which was awkward, he stayed quiet then Alexandra spoke "now what?" she asked while looking at him "......*hiccups*..." "oh my god..." said Loza who was giggling. soon when they arrived to the manor and Alfred opened the door, Jason hugged him and started crying "i fucking love are the best thing that happened in my life..." he was a crying mess while Alfred batted his back "its okay, master Jason.." he said to comfort Jason who sobbed.

- literally got into a fist fight with the grandfather clock.

- he ended up falling asleep on the bed with his own suit and didn't even bother to change it, and when he woke up you showed him all the videos that Dick took.and let's say he wasn't very happy about that.

Tim (the hiccups,crybaby, and a cutie pie JUST PROTECT HIM TTWTT)

- so you bought some beer and put it in the fridge, and then left to take a shower, when you returned after the shower you're found no bottle of beer..and you heard hiccup sounds coming from underneath the table.

-"oh no.." you said as you saw Tim with 6 empty bottles of beer and he was having hiccups and tearing up "oh Tim..." you said sighing when he doesn't drink normally but when he does this means that there is something bad happened.

-you pulled him and he started to struggle in your arms "your so warm Y/n..." he breathed softly pulling you underneath the table with him "Tim... you drunk..." you said sighing making him tear up "i am sorry if it annoys you.." he started to tear up and literally start an apology about weird stuff " Y/N i am-*hiccups* s-sorry..*sob*.." he said as you sighed " was a muffin..." "your muffin and i ate it and it was the last one!*hiccups and cries*" you sighed and took him to the bedroom, ended up falling asleep immediately when you cuddled with him, looking at him you smiled as you fell asleep..

-not forgiving him for eating your muffin (lol)

- he also hit the walls a lot while walking since he can't see clearly so make sure you next to him..

Damian (he doesn't drink) when he is older of course

- he hates drinking..

-he finds it pointless to drink a liquid that would cause you to do some dumb shit..

-he prefers green tea, fresh juices, and hot cocos

-he can't handle his brothers being drunk so he just steps away or locks himself up in his room. 

-the one who saves their asses when they are about to fall into some serious troubles because of being extra drunk

- doesn't wanna make the same mistake Bruce did with his mom. so yeah. he took that as a rule btw >w>.

So yeah..which one is your favorite? and if YOU were drunk what would you be doing? owo

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